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Mias POV:
We went home and I heard Rafe's voice in his room, most likely getting ready. He was taking to Topper and I smiled, listening to them getting on so well again, just like how it was before.
'Come and get ready in my room.' Wheezie smiled. I followed her and after a long while of putting our dresses on, we decided to do our makeup.
'How long do we have?' I shouted, expecting a response from anyone. Nobody replied.
'Let me go and check.' Wheezie said, running from the room.
'Oh Wheezie you look so pretty!' I heard Rafe exclaim.
I smiled and carried on applying my mascara.
'Thank you, when do we leave?' She asked him.
'In half an hour, is Mia in there?' He asked.
'Yes but don't come in!' She replied, slamming the door in his face.
'I bet you look stunning!' He shouted, opening the door slightly.
Wheezie slammed it on his face again and I heard him wince, as he banged his head off of it.
'Go and get some ice I don't want your pretty little face to have a bruise!' I teased.
'Shut up.'
I did Wheezies makeup for her as it didn't take long, and she insisted she did my hair.
'Okay we have 10 minutes until we need to leave.' I smiled, as she did the last curl and squeezed it slightly to make it bounce.
'Perfect.' She smiled.
'Okay let's take a photo, but we won't post it until after or it'll ruin the surprise.' I smiled.
'Let me just grab my shoes!' She said, running over to her bed. I also put my heels on and we both smiled, taking photos of our dresses from the front. I closed my phone and looked to Wheezie.
'You ready?' I smiled.
'Yeah, are you?' She asked.
'I do worry sometimes that I'm, you know, taking over Sarah, I don't want her to be upset we're so close.' I said sadly.
'Oh don't be silly, you're my brothers girlfriend, of course we're going to be close.' She smiled.
'Actually...' I said, holding out my hand to show her my ring.
'No way, it's beautiful!' She squealed, hugging me tight.
'Do you like it?' I laughed.
'I love it, please can I be a bridesmaid?' She giggled.
'Of course, come on wheeze you can help me plan some stuff later but we're gonna be late.' I laughed, leading her from the door.

Everyone else had already headed over to the country club, where the party was being held. I began to feel abit nervous, everyone knew about me and Rafe but it was the first time we were being seen together properly. I had no idea what everyone expected of me, as the Bad boy Kook kings girlfriend but I had to fit that image, whatever it was. I saw Rose stood by the door and sure enough, Rafe was with her. I let go of Wheezies hand and she ran ahead of me, engulfing her dad into a big hug. Rafe turned in the direction she had ran from and his eyes fell on me. His jaw literally dropped, and a huge smile crept onto his face.
He walked towards me slowly, looking me up and down. The way his eyes watched me made me feel shy, and I looked away from him slightly. When he reached me, he moved my face softly to look at him and kissed me.
'Hey.' I smiled.
'You look, wow.' He whispered.
'And look at you!' I exclaimed, taking the time to really notice how good he looked in a suit.
'No but really, you look so gorgeous.' He smiled, putting one hand on my waist and stepping back to look at me once more.
'Stop.' I laughed, burying my head in his neck.
'Are you ready?' He asked, taking my hand. I nodded nervously and followed him into the country club. Ward and Rose smiled at us, and Wheezie waved, as we walked through the crowds of people at the door. Someone started clapping, and everyone else began to follow. It made me nervous but I smiled, squeezing onto Rafe's hand abit tighter.
'You're okay.' He whispered, as we took a seat on the outskirts of all of the commotion.
'I'm gonna go get us some drinks, stay there.' He said, standing from the table. I looked towards the grass and saw Pope stood with his father, cooking a BBQ. I stood up and slowly walked over, and his face lit up when he saw me.
'You look so good!' He exclaimed.
'Really?? This isn't really my kind of thing, I mean I've been lounging around in the same tracksuit for the past 4 days.' I laughed.
'It really suits you.' His father smiled.
'Thank you.' I nodded lightly.
'I hope they're treating you well.' I said, signalling back to the party.
'Money is money.' Pope said quietly.
'I'll sneak you a few drinks.' I winked.
'Thank you.' He laughed, waving goodbye to me as I went to take my seat again.
'You're too pretty to be hanging around with pogues.' Kelce said, sitting down besides me.
'Hello Kelce.' I said bluntly.
'You look nice.' He said bitterly.
'I think that's the nicest non sexual thing you've ever said to me.' I laughed.
'You didn't let me finish.' He joked.
'Look I'm sorry. About Rafe.' I explained.
'No I'm sorry. Really, I'm happy for you.' He smiled.
'Thanks.' I replied.

'Is he bothering you?' Rafe asked, standing behind me protectively.
'No were fine actually.' I smiled, looking at Kelce. Rafe took me by the hand and led me away from him, but this time didn't say anything rude.
'Rafe you've been so good recently.' I said after a while of silent.
'That makes me sound like your child.' He laughed.
'No you know what I mean.' I insisted.
'Yes I know, I'm trying so hard, for you.' He whispered.
'I do worry though, you don't seem to sleep well.' I whispered, sitting down besides him on an empty bench.
'I've struggled since I was a kid.' He replied.
'I also think it's guilt.' I said, out of nowhere.
'What?' He asked, taken aback.
'From everything that's happened, sometimes you shout Renfield's name in your sleep.' I whispered.
'Oh.' He replied, quietly.
I held his face with both of my hands and kissed him.
'I'm so proud of you.' I smiled.
'Really?' He asked.
'I'm so so proud of you, really.' I replied.
'Oh wow, I don't think I've heard that, ever.' He whispered. I felt a tear fall from my eye but I wiped it away quickly.
'Why are you crying?' He whispered.
'Because you deserve so much better than all of this.' I exclaimed.
'Hey nice to see you!' I heard JJ shout from across the garden. I looked up in shock and Rafe followed my gaze, getting up and running towards the crowd he was now collecting. I rolled my eyes and picked my drink up, sitting and looking at the sunset.

Rafe's POV:
I followed JJ into the bathroom, along with Topper and Kelce who also seemed to hear his voice coming from inside the club.
'What're you doing here?' I spat.
'Delivering a message.' He replied cockily.
'Okay so now you can leave.' I said bluntly.
'I was just on my way.' He said, turning to the door. He froze as he grabbed the handle and turned back towards me.
'Where's Mia? I bet she looks hot as hell in her dress.' He teased. I lunged towards him and Topper grabbed me by the arm, pulling me back.
'And where's Kie? I'm sure she looks good, she's pretty hot for a Pogue.' Topper laughed. That pulled the trigger, sending JJ towards us. I punched him and pushed him against the wall, as he stood, watching me.
'Talk about my girl again and I will kill you.' I said, shoving him once more.
'You know she was mine first.' He winked, running from the room before I had chance to chase him. I sat down on the sink and put my head in my hands. 
'I know you care for her bro but I'm sure that's the 10th boy you've threatened to kill that's found her attractive.' Kelce said.
'Yeah and you're fucking one of them.' I said bluntly.
'I'm just saying, maybe it's not the right approach.' He stated.
'Nobody gets to talk about her like that, especially not to me.' I said, jumping from the sink and walking swiftly from the room.

Like a tsunami // Rafe Cameron(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now