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Mias POV:
I burst through the door, he was sat on the sofa, but jumped up as soon as he saw me.
'What's up? What happened to your face?' He panicked.
'My dad, he's back, I don't know what to do.' I whispered. He pulled me into a hug and looked around the living room.
'When my dads around, I know it's hard, but you've got to pretend to be nice to them. Don't go out of your way for them, but make it look civil. You won't get hurt.' He assured me.
'It shouldn't be that way JJ.' I said, rolling my eyes.
'I know, look let me walk you home.' He said, taking my arm.
'No it's ok,' I smiled.
'Are you sure?'
'Yeah I just, wanted to let you know he was back, in case you beat him up.' I laughed.
'Don't worry I'll keep an eye out for him.' He said, hugging me tightly. I left his house and headed back to mine, Rafe and Topper were sat outside waiting for me.
'are you okay now?' Topper asked me. I nodded, opening my arm to him and taking him into a side hug.
Rafe tried his hardest not to ask anymore questions.
'Go and pack, we're going soon.' He said, squeezing my hand.
'Have you packed?' I asked. He nodded, following me into my room. I grabbed my suitcase from besides my wardrobe and asked him to help me find things to take.
'This'll look nice.' He said, holding up a red bra set. I rolled my eyes and threw it into the suitcase, as he stood there smiling.
'Where's your stuff?' I asked him.
'In your living room, ready to go, I got it when you were, wherever.' He shrugged. I nodded, not wanting to say anymore.
'Look if you went to see JJ.' He said, pulling me back to him.
'Stop, okay? We're friends, his dad is similar, I just wanted advice.' I whispered.
'I know.' He replied, but it sounded somewhat bitter.
'Hey, Top, I'll see you in a few days.' I smiled, walking from my bedroom. 
'Yeah, have a good time.' He said, opening his arms and hugging me tightly. Rafe came up behind us with the bags and walked out to the car, putting them in his boot.
'Be careful, if you need anything call me and I'll be right over there I promise.' Topper whispered.
'What do you mean?' I asked, curiously.
'Nothing, I love Rafe but, if it gets abit much.' He shrugged. I nodded, letting go of the hug and walking to the car, getting into the passenger side.

Topper came and stood at the side of the road, waving us off as we drove away. I turned the radio up and rested my head on the window, looking out towards the sea as we headed into the pogue's side of the island.
Rafe slammed the breaks on the car as JJ and Pope jumped out, waving their hands around.
'If you weren't in the car idve just fucking hit them.' He spat. I hit his arm lightly and rolled my window down.
'Oh hello there, where are you off?' JJ asked.
'On holiday, to Nassau.' I said, raising my eyebrows so that Rafe couldn't see me.
'I've heard it's nice there.' Pope smiled, understanding my facial expressions.
'You wouldn't know would you Pope.' Rafe said rudely.
'No need to be so bitter.' JJ teased.
'Anyway, enjoy yourself, see you when you're back.' JJ said, squeezing my hand through the window as Rafe pulled away. He kept his eyes on the road and didn't say another word.
'I know you don't like them but they're my friends. It's like you and Barry. I explained.
'I know.' He said, gripping the steering wheel.
'You're hot.' I said, looking at his tensing hands.
'Stop it.' He smirked. I moved my hand away from his and he grabbed it, putting it underneath his on the gearstick.
'Okay.' I laughed, slightly flustered.
'The planes in an hour, it's dads private jet, and when we get there we're gonna go out somewhere nice to eat.' Rafe explained, changing gear, moving my hand with his.
'Okay.' I smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
'I want a provlem free week with you, to show you how much I really do love you.' He whispered, parking the car on the air strip and running around to open my car door. We both went silent when we realised where we were and what had previously happened there. I looked to the floor under the car to see a red stain seeping from the pavement. I stepped away from it and opened the boot to get my bags from it. I passed all of them to Rafe, who was at the steps to the plane, and locked the car, throwing him the keys again.
'Excited?' He asked me. I nodded, taking one last look at OBX airport before stepping inside the plane. I took a window seat and clutched onto Rafe's hand as we took off.

'I didn't know you're scared of planes.' He said, comforting me as best as he could.
'No im normally okay, but when I was a kid me and Topper used to travel a lot, whenever I was crying or playing up, dad would pretend that they threw naughty kids from the airplane to shut me up.' I explained. 
'Oh baby.'
'Rafe I really want our child to feel loved, by us both, I don't want us to have a few good years and then go our separate ways, this needs to be us forever.' I said sternly.
'I know, and I promise you it will be. Our baby will know what real love is like from both of its parents, I promise.' He smiled, kissing me. I smiled, resting my head on his lap and stretching my legs it across another seat, falling asleep slowly.
'Thank you for showing me what love is.' He whispered.
'Anything for you.' I replied sleepily.
'You saved me from myself.'

Like a tsunami // Rafe Cameron(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now