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Mias POV:
The doors to the jet opened and warm air smacked me in the face.
'Wow I didn't expect it to be this warm.' I laughed, taking my jumper off and putting it over my shoulder.
'Our bags are gonna get sent to the house, I'll show you around and then I want to show you something.' He said, picking me up and carrying me down the steps of the plane. I clung to him, making sure I didn't fall, and jumped from his arms when we got to the bottom.
'What is it?' I asked.
'It's a surprise.' He said bluntly.
'But I want to know.'
'Oh shut up and come with me.' He replied, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist and walking me to a car, that was waiting for us.
'Can I drive?' I asked him.
'No because that means you've got to know where we're going.' He said, knowing my plan.
'Oh.' I said, sinking into the passenger seat jokingly, and moving my leg to his thigh. He picked it up quickly and moved it back to my side of the car.
'What?' I laughed.
'You know what that does to me.' Rafe groaned, starting the car and moving his arm around my seat to look through the back window.
'And you know what THAT does to me.' I emphasised.
'Yes well I've got to do this or I'll crash, you do not need to stroke my thigh.' He laughed. I held my hand out and he took it, putting it on the gearstick as he had done the morning before.
'You always have to be touched.' He teased, rolling his eyes.
'Yeah so I know you still love me.' I replied.
'Don't be fucking stupid.' He said, almost bluntly.
'Excuse me Rafe Cameron you're not exactly the most predictable man on the planet' I said truthfully.
'Yeah but you'll never have to question my love for you princess.' He said, parking the car outside his family home and jogging around to open my door.
'It's beautiful.' I smiled.
'After you.' Rafe said, opening the front door and leading me inside. The massive chandelier beamed down on me, and I smiled, looking around the massive open room.
'All of this to ourselves?' I asked.
'You know it, look, this is my room.' He said, Taking my hands and pulling me excitedly upstairs to his room. It was around the same size as his one at home, but more exotic, with a balcony and full floor Windows.

He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he pointed at the balcony and I rolled my eyes, secretly taking note.
'To the surprise!' He shouted, leading me back downstairs to the wine cellar. A massive case stood talk infront of us.
'This is it?' I asked. He opened it, revealing bars and bars of gold.
'Rafe.' I whispered.
'We found it. We found the gold.' He smiled.
'You need to get it out of here now.' I whispered.
'Why? John B is dead.' He said, waving a piece around in his hand. I shook my head slowly, causing him to put it away and stare deep into my eyes.
'Where is he?'
'I don't know, but I know he's alive.' I whispered.
'God damn it where is he!' He shouted.
'I've told you all I know!' I screamed in return. Rafe stood silently before heading upstairs in a rush.
'Five minutes in and you've already fucking ruined our holiday going on a family treasure hunt!' I shouted after him. He stopped dead on the stairs and turned back towards me, walking slowly down them.
'This is your family now and I'm not ruining a thing.' He said, grabbing me by my neck and pushing me against the case the gold was in.
'You told me I saved you from yourself, show it.' I spat. He let go, pushing me lightly as he did so, and sat down on the cold steps.
'I'm being good for you okay, if you were anyone else idve probably killed you a long time ago.' He said coldly.
'Charming.' I said bluntly.
'No, I mean,' he sighed.
I raised my eyebrows.
'Nobody sticks around like you do. Everyone has just left me before. Idve killed them from exhaustion, pain, heartbreak, annoyance.' He explained.
'Well that's not me.' I whispered.
'I know.' He smiled, tapping the step besides him. I went to sit besides him and he ran his finger along my thigh.
'I love you so much.' I said softly.
'I love you so much my gorgeous.' He replied, planting a kiss on my head, before standing up and holding out his hands.
'Where are we going?'
'To test out the balcony.' He said, as we reached his room again.
'It's light out Rafe and I'm pregnant.' I replied.
'I meant sit on it.' He said cheekily, pulling out a chair besides his. I rolled my eyes and sat down, looking over at the beach.

'Where's that?' I asked, pointing to a hotel I recognised from looking one up a few nights ago.
'Oh that's just some random hotel in Nassau, I'm not even sure what it's called, quite posh though.' He shrugged.
'Oh and this isn't?' I joked, trying to shake off the fact that John and Sarah were 5 minutes away from me and Rafe didn't even believe that they were still alive.
'What do you want for dinner?' He asked me.
'Hmmm.' I said, after thinking for a while.
'What does baby want?' He rephrased, rubbing his hand on my stomach.
'Carbonara.' I said after some time.
'Daddy will go and make some carbonara.' He said, standing up and heading to the balcony door.
'Who's daddy?' I teased.
'My little baby girls daddy of course.' He teased, kissing my belly.
'Let me help.' I said, standing up.
'No my lovely you relax, I'll go and put the pasta in and I'll be back.' He insisted, closing the door behind him. I waited until I knew he was gone and took a closer look at the hotel. I noticed two sunbeds on the roof, one with a bag on, the other empty. I didn't take my eyes off the hotel, when I saw two people head up onto the roof. I knew it was John and Sarah.

Me: you need to go somewhere else. I can see you from here. You need to be more careful.

John: there's nowhere else for us to go

Me: he will kill you.

'Who are you texting?' Rafe asked, making me jump. I turned my phone off and looked away from the roof, where John and Sarah were now waving.
'Just JJ, he was just asking what it's like.'
'I hate him.' He said coldly.
'I know baby but it's you.' I whispered, trying to distract him from the hotel roof. I managed to delete my texts with John, whilst he wasn't looking, but in my horror, I noticed he was looking at the hotel roof instead.
'Who's that and why are they waving?' He asked, squinting.
'Just some kids.' I shrugged.
'It can't be,' Rafe whispered, looking closer.
I grabbed him by the face, kissing him, moving my arm around his neck and using one hand to clutch at his bulge.
He kissed me back for a few seconds before pulling away and looking back at the roof. They were gone.
'I thought I- Nevermind.' He shrugged.
'You okay?' I asked.
'Not now you've just grabbed me like that, bend over.' He replied, pushing me inside and closing the sliding doors.

Like a tsunami // Rafe Cameron(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now