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Gon looked down sadly at Killua, he'd gone through a lot of stress in the last couple hour. "What...was that about?" Mai said, kind of worried. He sighed, then wiped Killua's lingering tears away. "He's...always had very low self esteem. It took me a long time to finally convince him that he wasn't just a cold blooded killer, he was used as a weapon essentially. Manipulated and used to be the perfect assassin. You don't get raised like that and turn out...normal." He murmured. "He's always thinking he isn't good enough, or that he'll wind up betraying me one day. He puts on a brave face and acts like it's not a big deal usually, he puts himself second no matter what situation." Gon felt himself starting to tear up a little. "Sure he may be violent and ruthless, but he'd risk everything to keep the people he cares about safe." He couldn't continue on anymore, he could only look down at Killua's sleeping form. He'd somehow gotten smaller, small enough to fit in his lap. He's so...cute. Gon wiped his eyes, the other two had been silent after he started talking. Gon felt his eyes droop a little. "So...tired" He mumbled, then slid sideways and lay on the cold stone beneath him. Killua shifted a little in his sleep and he snuggled a bit closer. So tired...

Killua woke up to faint sunlight behind his eyelids. "Mh" He opened his eyes to see Mai and Tanjiro both staring at him. He blinked a few times, then tried to get up. He was halted by the arms that wrapped tightly around his body. Huh? Killua glanced over his shoulder to see Gon asleep, he had apparently grown back to his full size in the night and he couldn't escape. So he shrank a little, then twisted to turn in his direction. Killua's legs tangled with Gon's a little as he grew to his full height. "Gon" He said, tapping him. "Mhnh" Gon mumbled. His tails flicked in slight irritation. "Aww that's so cute" Mai said quietly. He glanced at her with a confused expression over his shoulder. "Huh?" Tanjiro chuckled a little. "You should wake him up, it's almost nightfall" Killua's ears flicked, then he turned again and nuzzled Gon's cheek. "Up" He grumbled again and Killua's tails flicked in irritation once more. Wake up! He slid a hand up his shoulder and to his cheek, then tapped him a little. "Wake up" Gon's eyes fluttered open, then he let out a yelp and his face that was about 2 inches from him went completely red. "K-Killua what the hell are you doing!" Gon finally let him go and he huffed. "Wake you up." He turned away and Killua was confused. Mai giggled a little and Gon shot her a look. "S-Shut up!" Killua was confused. "Huh?" Gon grumbled and smacked him. "Damn it your usually the one who gets all flustered!" He glanced from Mai and Tanjiro to Gon and back again. "About what?" He let out a deep sigh. "R-Right...you probably feel emotions differently as a demon" He muttered.

He shrugged, then stood up and walked over to Tanjiro. Tanjiro looked kind of nervous, which was justified to be honest. "Hi?" He looked him in the eye. "Pure...not just good. More" His blood had been so horrible that it pretty much caused an allergic reaction. This man was worth protecting. He was even more pure then some of his children, contrary to his belief that children were the purest humans. Tanjiro gave him a smile, then rested a hand on his head. "you know, not all demons are bad." He murmured. Killua's eyes widened slightly. He had assumed that he was the only one who protected certain humans, none of the others he'd ever met showed even the smallest bit of compassion. Mai looked shocked as well. "There are others?" He sighed. "Well... my little sister got turned into a demon. She refuses to eat humans and instead regains energy by sleeping. She's the only one who can resist the urge to eat though, the other two can live off of small amounts of blood" He hummed a little as he looked down at Killua. "Killua here seems like a hybrid of some sort. Demons either eat humans or they don't, there's no in between usually" Gon giggled and grabbed Killua's hand. "Well we're different! Aint that right Killua?" He looked over at him and nodded. "Hold on, what makes you different?" Mai asked curiously. Gon shrugged. "Dunno, but my friend Leorio always says that I don't have good or bad morals, somewhere in between. I just kinda do my own thing"

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