"Jake hyung," said the boy as he sat down by the guard house.

"Oh, Ni-ki," the person from the other line responded.

"I don't really know what to do here," Ni-ki laughed out loud, which caused some students to glance at him. The sixteen year old didn't have much of a care.

"Just go to a room labelled 10, and the number after the dash is your section. Like, 10-A, for example. I'm sure you know your section already," Jake said and Ni-ki stood up from the guard house. He entered the campus with his phone near his ear as he looked for the hallways that would lead to the lockers and his assigned room.

"Have you found the lockers?" Jake asked after giving him the instructions.

"Yeah, thank you, hyung. I'll just ask some random teacher or a senior where my room is. See you," Ni-ki said and after hearing his friend's "okay~," he ended the call and stuffed his phone in his bag. 'Ah, what good timing,' Riki thought to himself as he saw a teacher walking towards him. "Hello, excuse me, sir," Riki bowed slightly, "do you know where the room for class 10-B is?"

"Of course, let me take you there," the teacher said, "Where I'm going is near that classroom, anyway."

"Alright, thank you," Riki said politely and followed the teacher. He took in his appearance— the teacher looked short beside him, he wore casual clothing and seemed to be around his forties. As the two walked, Riki's eyes caught a glimpse at two boys who were walking to their direction, cups of coffees in their hands as they talked. Judging by their uniforms, they were seniors in EN's high-school.

"Take off your cap, it's inappropriate," the teacher beside him muttered. Riki sheepishly took his hat off and messed his blond hair— newly bleached before school started.

The principal had his eyes widened upon seeing Riki's hair and held on to Riki's shoulder to stop the boy from walking. "Dyed, or bleached hair isn't allowed for junior high-school students."

The two seniors were nearing them, and Riki answered, "whoops. Welp, what more can we do? I already bleached mine."

Jungwon stopped sipping on his coffee as he snorted. "Damn, a new student just talked back to the principal," he whispered in Sunoo's ear and the two walked to pass by the principal and Riki. Sunoo chuckled and his eyes travelled to the new student, and realized that he was already looking at him. The new boy immediately broke the short eye contact and gave the principal a sheepish smile.

Unknowingly, the corners of Sunoo's lips tugged upwards as he smiled.



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"Ni-ki!" Jake said as soon as Riki entered EN University. It was already lunchtime, and instead of eating where his building was, he was at the other building for college students.

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