30. They Find you in a fight

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They find a ring of people, and when they go to investigate, they find you and this other dude throwing.
How do they react.

If you were winning:
He's the one hyping you up in the background.
Lowkey very worried that the fight may turn around in you.

If you were losing:
He's stepping in to get you the fuck out of there.
He probably took your place in the fight and beat the shit out of the other person.

If you were winning:

If you were losing:
He is no fighter, but he's gonna be there to patch your weak ass up afterwards, while telling you you shouldn't be starting or getting into fights.

If you were winning:
He's deadass placing bets on you winning. He's also hyping you up, being the closest one in the ring of people. He might join in, and beat this guy up too if you let him.

If you were losing:
He- he laughed so fûckin hard-
Not at you, but at the fact that this guy was dead as soon as this was over.
A body bouta be discovered.

Whether your winning or losing, he's stopping the fight, and getting you out of there, he doesn't want you to get hurt, or hurt anyone else. You don't have a say in this, he's either picking you up, or dragging you away from the problem here.

Win or lose, he's the guy recording the shit. He's THAT guy.
If your hurt badly though, fuck the camera, he's taking you to the hospital, even if it's just a bloody nose.

If you were winning:
Lowkey shocked that you were fighting in the first place, but he was glad you were winning.
Like the others, he was hyping you way up, but 10 times louder, since it's Tommy.

If you were losing:
He's probably panicking. He doesn't look much like a fist fighter, so he doesn't know how to help you.
Afterwards, he's gonna ask Dadza about how to help heal bruises.
He's very protective of you after too.

Win or lose, he's panicking, because your getting hurt. This guy was like twice his height, and stronger, he didn't know what the fuck to do.

He's conflicted from either kicking this guys ass himself, or letting you have to glory. The outcome of the fight would choose what he will do-

If you were winning:
He's placing bets like Sapnap, hoping to get a buck out of this.
He's not hyping you up though, because he doesn't think you know he's there, and he wanted to surprise you after.

If you were losing:
Just a lil mad that he lost his bet, but even more mad that some Jackass is turning this into a one-sided beat down. He's definitely step in to kick this mans ass.

If you were winning:
He's kinda awkwardly standing there, but cheering you on nonetheless.
He still doesn't understand how this happened, but hey, it was better than any of those Logan Paul fights, so he wasn't complaining.

If you were losing:
F u c k
He's trying to push through the crowd of people, to get you out of there.
He's probably worried you got a concussion or smth.

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