1. How you met

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•S/n means sibling name. If you have no sibling, just make it your friends name. If you have no friends, make up a name.
•D/n means dog name.

Dream 🙂 💚
You met in elementary school. You saw him playing some game of tag, and you asked if you could join. He said sure, and he said he called it "manhunt" since he was the only one being chased. (He never grew out of it)

George 🥽 💙
You met in a cafe. You work as a barista, and he enter said cafe to get some coffee or tea (idk what he would prefer) you made some casual small talk, and you learned he was actually pretty cool.

Sapnap 🔥 🔪
You met at a lake. You had went camping near a often visited lake. You and (s/n) went to go swimming and you found him there with another other person. You were a fan, so you went to talk to him, he was pretty chill.

BBH 🧁 🍪
You met at a park. You were walking (d/n) around the park, and you ran into him, walking Rat. You gave a friendly hello, and your dog started to sniff Rat, as a greeting, "Aw, they're already making friends." He joked, and you nodded, before attempting to leave the social encounter.

Skeppy 💎 😈
You met him on the SMP. Bad took you to meet him, and you three just talked for a while until you had to log off.

Tommy 👩 🔪
You met at his house. Your parents were good friends with his, so one day, they went over to hang out with them and Tubbo's parents, leaving you, Tubbo, and Tommy to your own devices. Being goofy little 5 year olds, y'all went to play in the backyard, until you had to leave.

Tubbo 🐝 🦖
Same as Tommy

Wilbur 🎵 💞
You met in band class. You played the flute, and he played the flute as well (I play the flute, so why not) and you two often would be paired together since you played the same thing.

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