
Start from the beginning

Everyone called out and too held up their cups, all taking a sip of the drink. All but Taehyung who was seated on the couch, cup still full in his hands.

He kind of felt left out but he was the one that distanced himself. This felt like déjà vu. Probably because they were in a similar predicament earlier in the story but the difference being who was the left out one.

     Taehyung huffed. He should go home. He didn't want to be here anymore. It didn't matter how selfish it sounded.

     The captain stood up and briefly stretched out his muscles, trying to hide away his sour mood but he was an overall grump.

He didn't want to be here anymore though. He just felt better if he went home and went to bed.

Taehyung set the cup down on the table and began his way to the front door, just passing by his teammates without words to be shared so they wouldn't stop him.

He didn't want to make it obvious he was going home but that didn't quite turn out how he planned. It never does.

"Taehyung!" The aforementioned sighed as he paused with his hand on the doorknob. He looked back over his shoulder at Suwun who was the player that called him. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Um," Began the captain, trying of think of a reason but he didn't think he would be stopped. "Home." He ended up saying.

"Why?" Asked Minji, the host of the party.

"Oh, um . . . Tired." He vaguely remarked. "Just was going to hit the hay, call it a night." Taehyung added. He then forced a yawn, covering his mouth and stretching out a single arm to sell the illusion.

"If you say so, man. See you tomorrow?" Minji asked and ended up with Taehyung's nod in return.

The captain turned back towards the door but not after making brief eye contact with Jeongguk who looked skeptical.

He ignored it and took his leave, walking out the front door.

Taehyung was still agitated but there was nothing he could do. It would be better to walk by himself and then just sleep it off. He would be better in the morning, surely.

It wasn't like Jeongguk had anything to be sorry for. He didn't know what he did wrong. Taehyung wasn't even sure if he could consider it to be wrong.

They weren't dating. Weren't together. Shit, Taehyung was still in a relationship with someone he told Jeongguk he was going to breakup with.

How could Taehyung be upset at all? How could he be jealous of something that wasn't his?

"You shouldn't walk alone. Don't you live like fifteen minutes away?" Jeongguk asked as he caught up and walked beside Taehyung, startling the elder teenager.

Taehyung felt his heart swell up. He didn't think he wanted Jeongguk to follow him but he felt the insect swirl around in his gut when he saw the boy.

But then the image of Jeongguk being all over Leehyun flashed and every flying bug died the moment he remembered.

The mature side of him died along with but only as pride stood tall.

"I think I rather be alone so you can go back to the party." Taehyung replied, looking straight ahead.

"Huh? Why?" Questioned Jeongguk. "Are you upset at something?" It didn't take him long for him to pick up the attitude. Jeongguk knew better than that.

"Shouldn't you be back there? With Leehyun? All on his ass?" Taehyung questioned, brow cocked. He didn't hold back the jealousy he was clearly portraying.

𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 {𝐭.𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤}Where stories live. Discover now