Chapter 15: Percival's Defeat

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"Well done, Sir Sonic" said Percival.

Percival backs away towards the edge of the cliff, and falls off due to the cliff crumbling.

"Percival!" shouted Sonic the Hedgehog as he caught her and inserted Caliburn into the cliff face, halting their fall. "Yikes! Whew... That was close" said Sonic the Hedgehog. "Why... Why did you..." asked Percival. "I guess you could say that whim is my other master" replied Sonic the Hedgehog. "Save the hugs and kisses for later" said Caliburn. 

Percival blushes.

"What? You jealous or something?" asked Sonic the Hedgehog. "For a knave such as you?! R... Ridiculous" replied Caliburn. "Enough of that "knave" stuff already!" said Sonic the Hedgehog. "Hm. Actually..." said Caliburn. "Yes...?" asked Sonic the Hedgehog. "Sonic the Hedgehog... You have mastered the code of chivalry. From this day forth, you shall be Sir Sonic, Knight of the Wind" replied Caliburn. "Heh heh!" chuckled Sonic the Hedgehog.

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