Chapter 7: I'm the Blacksmith

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"Hey! Tails?! Nah, it can't be... This is the smithy, right?" asked Sonic the Hedgehog. "It sure is! Welcome, sir knight!" replied Blacksmith. "He is no knight. At least not yet" said Caliburn. "Says you" said Sonic the Hedgehog. "What a magnificent sword! I've never seen one that talks before!" said Blacksmith. "Oh, it talks all right..." said Sonic the Hedgehog.

They go inside.

"I know a fine blade when I see it! I am a blacksmith, after all!" said Blacksmith. "Great. Think you could you sharpen this dull piece of rust?" asked Sonic the Hedgehog. "Fool! It is you who is dull!" barked Caliburn. "Of course, I could! Now, what's the sword's name?" asked Blacksmith. "Caliburn" replied Caliburn. "Hm? Caliburn? Where have I heard that name before?" asked Blacksmith. "Sorry, but could you speed it up a bit? We're kinda in a hurry" said Sonic the Hedgehog. "Sure. Leave it to me!" said Blacksmith. 

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