Chapter 8

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Two years passed and everyone eventually went to high school together, and everyone meant that Kagami had also decided that he was going to go with the big friend group.

"Seijuuro, I have a question" Kuroko looked nervous but luckily Akashi hadn't noticed.

"When are we gonna tell your parents?" Akashi let out a deep sigh.

"You know that the maid isn't my mother," 

"I know but-"

"And if we do tell my father, he will most likely separate us again" Kuroko looked down.

"I know, but I don't like being a secret..." Akashi winced at Kuroko's words and turned to look at his boyfriend.

"Darling, It's not like I'm hiding you because I'm ashamed of you... I'm just doing it for your safety," Kuroko rolled his eyes.

"I can take care of myself just fine," Kuroko continued

"And plus, you literally almost outed us when you held my hand that one time, we acted exactly like a couple and I didn't say anything!" Akashi was starting to get frustrated at how irrational he thought Kuroko was being.

"I know, but sometimes it's better to just to not risk it-"

"Right, I'm going over to Riko's" Akashi watched as Kuroko grabbed his coat dumbfounded.


"I'll be back before dinner, if mom asks tell her where I am." And with that Kuroko left the room leaving a shocked Akashi by himself.


"It's dumb but it just hurts when he hides us it just- I don't even know," Kagami nodded in agreement trying to understand due to his lack of relationships.

"I'm gonna beat him up-" Kagami raised his hand.

"Me too, I'll help out if you need me to" And he continued eating his snacks.

Kuroko smiled at them and they decided to go to a nearby Steak n' Shake since they were all pretty hungry.

Turns out Kuroko actually called Riko and Kagami to meet up at Kagami's house since he didn't want Akashi looking for him like he did the last time they had an argument.

When they got there they sat down and the trio immediately ordered three vanilla milkshakes.

Kuroko took out his phone and turned off his location while Riko and Kagami were ordering.

Meanwhile, Akashi was panicking since he went over to Riko's house to apologize when he realized that no one was home. He checked Kagami's house but no sign of the three friends.

His last resort was to check Kuroko's phone location, and when he saw the red dot he sighed in relief but he was startled by the location being turned off.

The group of friends were all laughing and after eating decided that going to the movies would be a good activity for the three of them to do.

Akashi was still panicking and drove to all of Kuroko's favorite places yet couldn't find him so he decided to call Hanako.

"Hey, do you know where Tetsuya is?" Hanako frowned at Akashi's wavering voice.

"Why? Did something happen?" Akashi tried his best to stay composed.

"We sorta got into an argument, and I don't know where he is..." Hanako sighed at how worried Akashi got for Kuroko.

"He told me he was going to the movies, you might find him there" Akashi smiled.

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