I knocked twice but opened the door without waiting for a response.

"Hey what—?" Peter started saying as he emerged from the bed. When he saw Alex his jaw dropped. "What happened?" He asked as he jumped from his bed and helped the guard put Alex in his bed.

"Will explain later." I told Peter as I grabbed my phone which I had left on Alex's office. I turned to Meerene. "Can you take care of him?" I asked her.

"Liv we need the doctor." She told me but she had already approached Alex.

"I know, I'll find him." I said as I ran out the door. "How is he?" I asked as soon as I got inside my room. Neymar was sitting in my bed a glass of water in his hand.

"Better. He stopped coughing." David told me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him, remembering that's what he had asked Alex minutes ago before assaulting him.

"This is not the time for this." David said. "How is Alex?"

"He's messed up! You messed him up!" I yelled at Neymar.

"Liv hold it together!" David said again. "They will hear you!"

"Hear me? He needs a fucking doctor! Won't they know?"

"Dr. Runco." David said. "He won't say anything." I realized he was the team doctor, the one who had seen my bruise. "I know which room he's in. I'll go call him."

"To Alex first." I said firmly. Neymar turned to look at me but once again didn't say anything.

When David left I looked at Neymar. His fist was bloodied – Alex's blood and he had a small bruise on the base of his skull. His clothes were dirty from rolling around in the mad but other than that he was okay, I realized, and a wave of relief washed over me.

"Your cheek." He told me.


"It's bleeding."

I touched my fingers to my cheek and they came away red. I didn't know how I cut it, I didn't even feel pain. "I'm alright." I said. "I have to go check on Alex." I said and left the room before he could say anything.

As I walked towards Alex's room I bumped into Thiago.

"Liv you came back! Finally! We were all so worried!"

"What?" I asked him, trying to focus on his words, my mind racing.

"None more than Neymar. Didn't he tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

He looked at me confused. "He didn't know where you were, none of us did. We searched everywhere in the compound and we spend the night waiting in the game room. Except Neymar who was waiting by the gate."

"The whole night?"

"Yeah he was really worried about you. He figured you heard what he said to David – I told him you were there, sorry about that, I was worried –which was a big misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" I asked.

"Well yeah. Didn't you talk to him?"

"No, not yet. Look Thiago, some stuff happened, we need your help."

After I filled Thiago in on what happened –and he was rather shocked– he went to Neymar's room, mainly to keep an eye on him.

I leaned on the wall, suddenly feeling more tired than ever. And it wasn't because I was out all night. I couldn't believe Neymar had behaved like that but what was worse was that it was my fault.

He said what he said to David last night, which Thiago said was a misunderstanding. And next thing he knows I come back to the compound with Alex after having presumably spent the night with him. The night that he spent looking for me and worrying about me.

But as worried as he was did he really think I would go off with Alex just like that? Alex who was dating his sister?

Rafaella, I thought. I have to call her, I have to tell her.

I picked up my phone and dialed Rafaella's number immediately.

"Hey there! You made it back yet?" I heard her say when she picked up. "I texted Alex, he hasn't texted back."

"Rafa... We have a problem. A huge problem. And I think you should come to Granja Comary as soon as you can."

When I closed my phone I saw David and Dr. Runco emerging from Alex's room.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He's resting. He has some bruises but nothing serious." Dr. Runco said. "Liv, he said you were with him. Who did this to him? We have to call the police!"

I felt my knees go weak. Police?

"We can't do that Dr. Runco." I said pleadingly. "Please come with me."

Dr. Runco shot David a puzzled look but followed me without saying anything. I opened the door to my room. Neymar was still sitting on my bed where I had left him, Thiago was sitting on Marina's.

When I got inside Neymar looked down, but I caught a glimpse of his face. It looked red, as if he was crying.

"Neymar? You fought with Alex?" Dr. Runco asked, his eyes wide.

"Doctor please, you can't tell anyone! They will be in trouble!" I said before anyone else had a chance to speak.

The Doctor looked at all of us, his mouth wide open, unsure what to say.

"You have to examine him." David finally said. "He was coughing pretty badly before."

"Everyone outside." The doctor told us and we obeyed right away.

When we were outside I finally cracked under the pressure and started crying. Thiago was quick to come and console me, though not even his reassuring pat on my back could do much right now.

"I can't believe this." Thiago said.

David opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. He looked angry but I didn't know who he was angry at.

"You're back!" Marina exclaimed as she and Bernard appeared at the end of the corridor. I wiped my tears quickly. "We were so worried! Everyone is in the game room, waking up!" Marina hugged me when she approached us. "Wait, what's going on? What are we doing out here?"

"We can't go inside at the moment." I said. "I will explain everything later. I promise..."

"Babe is everything all right?" She asked me, suddenly worried.

The door opened and Dr. Runco appeared. "You can come inside."

"I'll explain later, I promise." I told her as I followed Thiago and David inside.

"He's alright." Dr. Runco said as soon as I closed the door behind me. "He must have inhaled some dirt but he's fine."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Dr. Runco approached me and I saw him pull a small band aid from his pocket. "However, I cannot keep this from Scolari." He told us as he put it on the cut on my cheek. His tone was apologetic.

"You can't!" I exclaimed.

"Liv. It's done." Neymar spoke for the first time as he stood up. It seemed like he and Dr. Runco had a talk before he let us back inside.

"Where are you going?" Thiago asked him as he rushed to his aid, to help him stabilize his feet on the ground.

"To the infirmary." Dr. Runco answered for Neymar. "I'm admitting both of them to treat the cuts and bruises properly. Don't worry, it won't take more than half an hour."

"I'll help you." Thiago told Neymar and the three of them started walking towards the door.

I turned to look at David. He had his eyes still fixed on the door that had just closed, his expression unreadable.

Dark Moves Of Love ~ Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now