Locker Trouble~Ponyboy

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It was just one of those days. The days at school dragged, as you desperately wanted to get home without anyone knocking over your books or pulling your chair out from under you, or anyone making comments about your clothing again.

They were hand-me downs. And they would've been fashionable, if you were a teen in the 40s.

You had decided to stay after school to catch up on some work, and to avoid the rush of load of comments from the senior soc boys.

After about an hour of work, you finally packed your things and said good bye to your teacher, who didn't look like she was having a good day either.

But just your luck, a few boys must've had detention and were messing around in the hallway. You quickly tried to avoid them, but they caught you just to tell you, that you were dressed like their grandmothers.

"You even sound like a grandma!" One of them said. Your ears burned. They were practically making fun of your mothers style. "At least I don't dress like a James Bond wanna-be" you retorted. They sneered as one of them muttered. "Better keep her here till morning,"

The next thing you knew 4 sets of hands were shoving you against a row of lockers until they had saw one open and shoved you inside. Making sure it was locked. Of course.

"HEY!" You shrieked as you could hear their laughter fade. The locker felt like it was closing in on you. "No, no, no, no!" You muttered, your breath getting heavy. "Somebody! Let me out!" You cried.

You could hear footsteps, and prayed it wasn't the socs again. You closed your eyes, wanting to leave the dark, enclosed space.

Just as you felt yourself passing out, the locker swung open and you flung yourself out, not even caring who the person was.

"Wha-" someone sputtered as you clinged onto them. You realized your doing, and stepped back immediately.
"I-I'm sorry, uh thanks," you said avoiding eye contact with a boy in your grade.

"Its okay, I didn't know what happened. Are you alright?" He asked. You look up finally taking in his features. "Fine," you spat out, I uh better get going, thanks again," you said dashing out.

"Wait!" He called. You slowed but didn't stop. "We're in the same grade. I'm Ponyboy, and your Y/N. He said attempting to start a conversation.

"Yeah..." You said suspicious.
"I read your story that you wrote for English this year. It won its spot in the library."

"Oh, I didn't know anyone read that," you said blusing.

"Of course! Um...maybe you would want to talk about it sometime. And I can protect you from socs." He said chuckling.


"Really?" He said as you nodded.

"Sick! I-I mean cool!" He said as you gave him your phone number.

"Thanks for saving me hero boy." You said smirking.

"Wow," he said, which made you laugh.

He called you later that night and you both talked for hours.

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