I forgot Darry

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So I forgot Darry (duh) sorry here ya go

You were a middle class average girl with brown hair walking home from school after they had asked you to stay after class to catch up on some assignments you had missed when you were out sick last week. You didn't know what to expect when you crossed an empty field close to the east side. You probably should have though.
The air had a breeze that made you feel cold down to the bone and you shoved your hands in your jacket pockets. As you walked across the field you decided to cross to take a short cut to your house, you saw a few boys, Greaser Boys to be exact. It was too late to turn back, they had to have noticed you and would have thought you were scared of them. "Well shit," you thought as you continued to cross the field trying to avoid them as they tossed the football around. You caught a couple smirking and whispering. You were so caught up trying to hear what they were saying as you passed that you being yet very smart again, didn't notice the hurling pig skin coming towards you. It hit your head and made your face turned beet red. You turned to run as you heard laughter, and got behind a stretch of trees and stopped to catch your breath. You felt blood trickle down your chin and realized your lip was bleeding. "Way to go dipstick," you muttered to yourself. You turned your head to the sound of someone approaching. It was one of the greasers. "What? Want to laugh at me again?" You spat at him. "No...I came to see if your okay, but your bleeding," He said handing you a handkerchief from his pocket. You almost said something smart back at him but decided against it and just took the handkerchief. "Thanks," you said as you cleaned your face. "I'll clean you up better at my house." He said thoughtfully. That's when you noticed is dark hair and stern eyes that seemed to be softened. But how would I know? "That's okay I better get home soon." You said standing up from the ground. "I can walk you," he said getting up beside her. "Sure, its the least you could do," you say laughing. His face seemed to soften more. "Yeah I guess it is," he said laughing. You two started down towards your house and found out he was the one who threw the football. "Maybe one day we can laugh over it," he said as he grinned at your miffed face. "One day," you said glad that there was already a future with you two.

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