Chapter Ten

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Sorrow and Grief


I sat motionless on the frigid forest floor staring anywhere but at my deceased partner. The tears were dry now just like all of the memories of Dipper. The daylight started to rise and I reluctantly decided that's when I should too.

So, I got up and took one last look at him. He was pale and his eyes were still open, staring at the sky. Which was where he was now.

I grieved to see the color appear back on his face and his eyes shine bright with enthusiasm. I choked back a sob and snapped my fingers. At my command, a hole was dug in the ground and beside it a smaller one.

Dipper was raised and laid in the hole by an invisible force, piles of dirt cascading on top of his body. The little pine tree I had given him appeared beside me and I picked it up, slowly walking over to the smaller hole.

I kneeled and planted the tree next to Dipper's grave.

I couldn't hold in the despair and hot tears spilled out of my eyes.

"Rest in peace... my little Pinetree."

Things have been going anything but well these past weeks. Anger, sadness, regret, despair, grief, fury.

The depression is too much to handle. He was my one chance at finding happiness and I was outraged at how I let him die like that without a fight.

Nowadays, I've been doing anything to keep me busy and not think. As of now, I'm walking outside of the woods because I wouldn't dare go back into those woods to where... it happened.

Suddenly I tripped over something and quickly looked back. I felt my eyes start to sting and a lump started to form in my throat as I processed what I was looking at. Sitting on the ground turned to an open page was the journal that Dipper held so dear to his heart.

He was so fascinated by every word that was written in it. His eyes would light up and he would beam and talk about every content of it for hours on end.

I snapped back to reality, escaping my recollection, and bent down to retrieve the book. Before I shut it something on the yellow worn-down tattered pages caught my eye.

The title of the page read "Resurrection: Bringing the Back the Dead."

My pulse quickened, my heart thumping against my chest.

How didn't I think of this before?!

I hastily snatched the book and dusted myself off. For the first time since my love has died, I smiled a small smile. It is certainly not the end of this love story.

I'm coming back, Pinetree.

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