Chapter Eight

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A Date


I couldn't believe Bill didn't know what a movie theatre was. He was like a little kid, clueless to the human world but always excited and enthusiastic about it. As we walked down the streets of Gravity Falls, Bill and I stayed side by side. I wore my usual sweatshirt and jeans that I put on this morning, but Bill decided to change into something more of today's era.

Despite his usual charming suit, he wore a yellow brick-patterned shirt and black jeans. His arms swayed when he walked and there was an unnaturally large smile plastered on his face.

His shoulder playfully bumped against mine. "So what are we watching, hm?" he asked.

His eyebrows raised questioningly as he looked down on me, waiting for an answer. Always wanting to impress him, I finally found my chance.

"A horror movie," I said with confidence surprisingly.

"Oh, fun," Bill said with a smirk.

I sighed at my failed attempt and directed my attention to the movie theatre. A short line was trailed from the ticket booth and we waited to get our tickets. I started becoming anxious when I realized that this was my first date, like, ever. Oh god, what if something happened. Or worse what if the whole thing crashed and burned. My breathing quickened and I rubbed my sweaty palms against my jeans.

Bill turned around to face me. "Pine Tree, your thoughts are very obnoxious. Could you quiet down some?"

I blush remembering that this insane demon could read my every thought.

"Sure I'm insane, what's your point?" he laughed.

I smiled and rolled my eyes as we bought our tickets. We stepped inside and made our way to the cinema and took our seats in the very back. The movie began as the title flashed on the screen. Chainsaw noises followed and blood splattered across the screen. The story started to unravel and soon our first character of many died instantly.

Man, I should've picked a better movie.

The blood and gore were extensive as the character's head was viciously ripped off. I was becoming tense from all the jump-scares, so I looked over at Bill to see how he was reacting. Another jump-scare played and Bill jumped, true fear flashing across his eyes. But he just giggled after. What the hell is wrong with this guy? I smiled shaking my head and continued watching.

. . .

After the movie, we started to make our way back to the shack. The light of the pale moon and dull street lamps our only guide. Bill was still laughing, talking about the movie in between giggles.

"Did you see the look on his face?! Priceless!" he shouted.

I just smiled learning to accept his craziness and kept walking. He looked over at me smirking and turned away focusing on the street in front of us. Then I felt a hand lace their fingers with mine. I was thankful for the dark so Bill couldn't see me blush, but I'm sure he still knew somehow. He glanced at me again no longer smirking, smiling. His eyes were sympathetic for some reason and his expression was a sad kind of happy.

What was this boy thinking in that head of his?

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