Skye and Chase Revealed Their Secret to Marshall and Everest Part: 3

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Chase: Ready to go to the edge of the cliff to hang out for a bit until I have to call the pups!??!


Chase started laughing which made Skye laugh too.

Chase: Ok let's go then!!

Skye: Yay!!!!!

Chase's thought: This is my time to tell Skye, how much I love her!!

Skye's thought: This is my time to tell Chase, how much I love him!!

After 2 minutes, Chase and Skye arrived at the edge of the cliff to relax their minds a bit. They were in front of their pup houses near a big tree that Chase always goes to relax his mind.

While they were there, they started talking in low voice, so that they don't wake up the other pups.

Skye: So, why do you come here Chase?

Chase: I always come here beside this big tree at the edge of the cliff to forget about what happened in the past week. If I don't then I get super anxious.

Skye: It really helps, doesn't it??

Chase: Yes, it does!!!

Skye: I need to do this then. I also need to forget about what happened in the past week. It also makes me quite anxious too.

Chase: It seems like we have a lot in common!!

As soon as Chase said that then they started laughing!

Skye: How often do you come here??

Chase: I come here three days a week.

Skye: So, what days?

Chase: I come here on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday in the morning before breakfast. You can join me on those days because I feel kind of lonely staying there all by myself in the early morning.

Skye: I would love to join you, Chase. Thanks for inviting me with you to the edge of the cliff.

During that time Skye leaned on Chase's chest again like the day on Friendship Day. When Chase felt that someone was leaning on his chest then he saw that Skye was leaning on him and turned his head to Skye. When Skye felt that someone was moving, she saw that Chase was looking down at her. She got off him and asked a question.

Skye: You don't mind me leaning on you, don't you??

Chase: I don't mind. You can lean on me any time Skye, even when we are busy or when we are free or even when we are hanging out here by the cliff on those days.

Skye: Thank you, Chase!

Chase: No problem, Skye!

Skye started blushing a little when Chase said that, which made Chase blush too! While they were blushing in front of each other, they were both embarrassed.

Chase: You don't mind me leaning on you too, don't you??

Skye: I don't mind. You can lean on me any time Chase, even when we are busy or when we are free or even when we are hanging out here by the cliff on those days.

Chase: Thank you, Skye!

Skye: No problem, Chase!

Chase started blushing a little when Skye said that which, made Skye blush too! While they were blushing in front of each other, they were both embarrassed. Later Skye leaned back on Chase's chest and Chase leaned on Skye's head. Chase and Skye's mind, heart and whole body was racing while they were sitting so close to each other. They stayed like that for 15 minutes without saying a single word. After 15 minutes it was 7:40 Am. At 7:40 Am, Skye started talking to Chase.

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