Skye and Chase Revealed Their Secret to Marshall and Everest Part: 1

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The pups are 8 years old. It was June 1/2020 when Skye and Chase were thinking about when to tell Everest and Marshall that we are their brothers and sisters. The pups were playing Ultimate Frisbee with Ryder when Chase started looking at Skye and Skye saw him looking at her and smiled at him which made Chase smiled back. Then Chase made some kind of eye contact that only Skye knew. Later when she read Chase's eye contact , she made some kind of eye contact that only Chase knew. When Chase read Skye's eye contact, he made eye contact with Skye signalling that we need to talk to each other and needed be excuse from playing Ultimate Frisbee. Skye read his eye contact and signal Chase that you're right. Chase read Skye's signal. Then Chase said through his lip that he will tell Ryder about this and that you need to hide. Skye read his lip and said through her lip to Chase saying ok and hid in the bushes. Later Chase read her lips signalling that she got the message. The other pups were still playing Ultimate Frisbee and not paying any attention to Skye and Chase.

Later Mayor Goodway called Ryder for help and Ryder picked up the phone.

Ryder: Hi Mayor Goodway, do you need some help??

Mayor Goodway: Hi Ryder and yes, I need help with the clean-up at the beach.

Ryder: Ok, I'll send Skye and Chase to come over and help.

Mayor Goodway: Thanks Ryder.

Ryder: Chase can you come over here please?

Chase: Yes Ryder, what do you need??

Ryder (in low voice): You and Skye need to head over to the beach to help Mayor Goodway clean up the beach.

Chase (in low voice): Ok Ryder and can Skye and I be excuse from the game because Skye and I need to talk to each other about our talk last year on the beach.

Ryder in low voice): Ok, you and Skye have the rights to be excuse and be safe.

Chase (in low voice):Ok we will and thanks. By the way don't tell anything to the other pups why or where we are, ok?

Ryder (in low voice): No problem, I'll do anything for my pups and ok I'll won't tell them anything! Bye now!

Chase: Bye!

Chase walked over to the bushes to find Skye, but couldn't find her. Then he started calling her name in a low voice.

Chase (in low voice): Skye! Skye where are you??

Skye (in low voice): Chase, I am here, just come a bit forward.

Chase did what she told her and found her.

Skye (in low voice): Hi Chase. So, what did Ryder say??

Chase (in low voice): Hi Skye. So, Ryder says that we are allowed to be excused from the game but we have to be careful about ourselves and first we need to help Mayor Goodway at the beach.

Skye (in low voice): Ok.

So, they head over to the beach and saw Mayor Goodway waiting for them.

Mayor Goodway: Hi Skye and Chase!

Chase and Skye: Hi Mayor Goodway. Why did you call us??

Mayor Goodway: I called you guys because we need to clean up the beach because tonight the rest of the pups/Ryder are having a party with all the people in Adventure Bay including you two.

Skye and Chase: Thx for calling us to help you clean up this mess but after we are done with the clean-up, we need to go somewhere while the other pups/Ryder at the beach. Ok?

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