Mary nods, "Why does it matter?"

He bites the inside of his cheek and runs his hand through his brown hair, "I-nothing. It...doesn't matter now. So, you guys live here? Are they home?" He asks.

Mary sighs, "No, they don't live here."

"What does that mean?" He asks.

"They, um," Mary clears her throat, "They died when I was six. I'm sorry." His face falls, "She's dead?" He croaks.

Mary nods. He slowly backs away from Mary, his gaze not leaving her. "I-I'm sorry, about scaring you I, I should go. Take care of yourself." He says, and speeds off before Mary could say anything else.

"Wait, how-crap." She sighs. She had so many questions about her parents that have been left unanswered for so long, she finally met someone who could answer them for her and she let them get away.

Maybe it just means those questions should remain unanswered. Right?


1:55 pm

"That pizza place owes us big time!" Benny cries. Ethan rolls his eyes, "Give it up, Benny."

"We were stood up, E! Now I have gaping pizza sized hole right here." Benny whines, gesturing to his chest then taking a bite out of his snack.

"You guys hooked up for the Fly Off To the Moon Dance yet? You know any hunnies with a hot sister or smoking second cousin?" Rory asks, coming up to the two. "No, Benny is too busy trying to figure out how to ask Mary without throwing up from nerves." Ethan says with a chuckle.

"Shut up! It's harder than it sounds." Benny says. "If you won't ask her then I will." Rory shrugs.

"What? No! I'm asking her!" Benny snaps.

"Then what are you waiting for? Loser." Rory chuckles, then walks away. Benny rolls his eyes, "Jerk."

"He's right, ya know." Ethan says. Benny scoffs, "Fine. Then you should ask Sarah." Ethan nods awkwardly, "Yeah, right." He says, then quickly walks away. Benny chuckles, shaking his head and following him.

"I can't believe you have a date for the dance," Sarah says to Erica. "Yeah, didn't you say you were 'done with boys from our school?'" Mary questions, raising her hands to do air quotes.

"Who says he's from our school?" Erica adds.

"Why can't we just go out and do something fun? Like those girls?" Sarah asks, gesturing to a group of girls laughing. "They told me they were going to the beach, for some sun, that sound like fun to you?" Erica asks her. Mary chuckles while Sarah sighs, "Fine, forget I mentioned it."

Mary pats her shoulder, "Hey, I don't have a date. We can do something tomorrow if you want."

"Oh, please, you know Benny is gonna ask you." Sarah says, "And I know you'll say yes."

"What? He's not gonna ask me, if he did want to he would've done it already and I-"

"Mary!" Benny suddenly calls from the other side of the hallway, waving her over. Sarah chuckles and nudges her arm, "Told ya."

"You don't know if it's about the dance." Mary says. Erica rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her shoulders to turn her around, "Just go! Jeesh, it's like forcing a kid to take medicine with you." Sarah laughs in agreement while Mary rolls her eyes and walks over to Benny.

"Hey, what's up?" She asks.

Benny clears his throat, trying to push away the nausea fighting its way through. 'You can do this. It's just a simple question.'

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