"I do too." Jungkook looks at him and suddenly smile. 

"He even kind of resembles me." Jungkook chuckled. 

"what? The black hair, nose, and eyes?" I smiled. 

"sure." He says. 


"you guys should stay here until then. I  have extra guest rooms." He says. 

"mmm, sure." I nodded. 

I looked down at Do-yun. 

"We gonna stay here okay?" I pointed down. 

His innocent puppy face nodded cutely. 

I smiled and caressed his head. 

He sat on my lap while playing some toy Hoseok gave him. 

I spaced out for a bit as the guys prepared the rooms.

Namjoon, who was sitting near me, was reading more into about our past histories of pureblood. 

"Namjoon." I spoke. 

With my eyes dull and grey, I shift my gaze to him. 

He looks at me anticipating on what I was going to say. 

"...when it happens... I want you guys to keep Do-yun as far away from me as possible." 

He nodded. 

"Understood." He said looking down at Do-yun. 

Resting my chin on the top of his head. He suddenly dropped his toy and hugged me. His head only chest and his little arms under mine. 

My thoughts and worries somehow vanished from my chest like a spark. I felt eased and painless as I hugged him tightly. 

As if he can feel what I feel... He'd done this a couple times... 

When I'd feel suffocation and stress... he'd hug me like this and they would disappear. I don't know if it is because of him, or just my instincts to drop everything and hug him. 

All I know is I feel light and painless. 

It was night already. 

Jungkook went for a shower first. I laid down on the bed as Do-yun fiddles with my fingers. 

"Do-yun.." I say. 

He looks up at me with googly eyes. 

I smiled at him. 

"Is mommy boring?" I chuckled. 

He shook his head and leaned on me. 

He's too cute. 

I pinched his cheek and rest my head against the pillow. 

"Mom! Mommy! wake up!" I hear distant cries. 

All I saw was black. I can hear a faint cry desperately calling. 

My eyelids were heavy as it was hard to open them. I felt my head heavy and my body numb. 

I tried to focus with the crying voice. I tried to open my eyes and for a split second, I saw a bright light. 

My body was cold... there was a strange breeze.

'are we...outside?' I can't help, but wonder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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