Loving My Reflection Final

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Loving My Reflection

Chapter 18 The Finale

Alexander paced his room nervously. He had made his choice and now he had to go tell the guys his decision. One would be heartbroken but there was nothing he could do about that. He could only hope, the one he did not choose was able to move on and find someone better. Alexander let out an unamused sigh at how ludicrous it sounded in his head. He believed he wasn't a good catch so he had no idea why these two were arguing over him when they could have who ever they wanted.

He had gone home for Christmas and spent it with his family. Alexavier had been formal. He could tell Alexander needed more time. New Years was today and his parents were having a big party. Leo had been invited and there he would tell the two boys his decision. He bit his lip nervously as he finished changing. He pulled on red skinnies, and a black shirt with misty swirls on it. New Years were suppose to signify new beginnings right? So this was his chance to start something new.

"Come on Alexander we have to get going. My parents already left to the party." Kaleb walked through the door and flopped on the bed. He knew his friend had made his choice but had not told him who it was.

"I'm ready lets go," to Kaleb it sounded like Alexander was trying to assure himself he was ready rather than Kaleb.

Together they went downstairs and got into Alexander's car to go to the party. When they arrived music was blaring and people were drinking. Alexander went to greet his family, which he found in the kitchen.

"Hi mom, dad," he hugged them both. His mother looked at him and smiled. He knew his mother knew he had made his choice.

"Hi baby. Hope you're happy now," Alex smiled and went to look for Leo.

He found him by the stairs.

"Hi,"Alexander blushed feeling shy.

"Hi," Leo's voice soothed him and he looked up.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Of course," together they walked to Alexander's room. After they sat on the bed waiting. Alexander nibbled his lip and finally looked at Leo, "you've decided?"


Alexavier watched his brother and Leo go up the stairs. So that means he lost. He tried to smile but what he really felt were tears threatening to fall. He sighed. He took a shaky breath and joined the party. He would allow his brother the happiness he deserved. He just hoped he could continue to be a part of Alexander's life. He smiled at his parents who looked at him worriedly. He held up his head and walked through everyone. He saw Alex and Leo come out the room and they smiled at each other. Alexavier tried to steel his heart but he could feel it breaking. His brother walked over to him his cheeks a glowing pink.

"C-can I talk to you?" Alexavier nodded and followed his brother up the stairs to Alexander's room.

They sat down not saying a word. Alexavier didn't know what to say. He knew what his brother was going to tell him and he was readying himself for the blow.

"Alex," Alexavier gulped his gaze meeting his brothers, "Alex I made my decision."

"Yeah I know. And it's ok Alex. I understand."

"But Alex-"

"No Alexander really it's ok. Leo is a great guy and is going to make you really happy."

The last thing Alexavier heard was a huff before he felt Alexander's warm lips on his own. Stunned beyond belief Alexavier was still.

"I chose you," it was like music to Alexaviers ears. He laughed and stood up swinging his brother around.

Their lips meet, their burning passion finally erupting.

"Make love to me Alex."

Alexavier smiled at his brother, "Always and forever."

The vow was made as the clock struck twelve. It signaled their new beginning together. They were united from the start, never meant to be apart.


If you like the ending there do not continue reading. I was going to end it there but. I just couldn't help adding the sex scene. Is that bad hehe. If you don't want to read the sex scene just let above be the end. If not here you go.


Alexavier slowly stripped his brother. He knew Alexander was a virgin and wanted to be slow and make it enjoyable for his brother. For his lover. He eased Alexander onto the bed, kissing every patch of skin he could get a hold of. He tweaked Alexander's nipples causing his brother to arch his back and moan out loud.

Alexavier grinded their need together making both of them cry out for more.

"Do you have-"

"I-In the top one," Alexander blushed at Alexaviers look, "you always told me to be prepared."

Alexavier smiled and reached for the lube and condom. Alexander blushed even more when he took the condom and threw it across the room. Alexavier grinned and kissed his brother breathless. Alexavier slid down his brothers body smiling and the shivers that would rack Alexander's prone form.

"Turn around. On your knees," Alexander did as he was told his face a fiery red. Alexavier groaned at how delectable Alexander looked in the vulnerable position.

He grabbed the lube the click sounding louder then it should with all the music going on outside. Alexavier squeezed a large amount over his fingers. He leaned in and licked his brothers hole. Alexander cried out in surprise pushing back against his brothers tongue. Alexavier grinned repeating the action until his brother was nice and wet. He looked at his brothers hole watching it twitch with anticipation. Alexavier let one finger smudge all the lube he had on his fingers on his brothers glistening hole.

One finger slipped in and Alexander felt full. He could only image how it would feel like to have all of his brother inside him. Knowing it was his brother that was behind him, touching him, stretching him so he can be taken made him so much more harder.

Alexavier had three fingers in his brother and he couldn't wait anymore. He turned over his brother so they could see each other as they made love.

"Relax Alex. Relax and let me in," Alexander nodded relaxing as much as he could when he felt the head of Alexaviers arousal nudge his hole.

"Oh," Alexander gasped when Alexavier thrust past the first ring.

Alexander shivered trying not to tighten his muscles. He nodded and Alexavier pushed in until his bottomed out. Alexander gasped and groaned urging his brother to begin moving. It began slow, but neither could stand a slow pace when they were both so turned on. Alexavier began to thrust faster filling his brother till the brim. A scream broke past Alexander's lips when the head of Alexaviers arousal hit his prostate again and again. Alexavier groaned when Alexander tightened around him. Alexander was thrashing under his brother. He felt like he was about to burst, he just need that one thing that would tip him over the edge.

"P-please," he gasped.

"Please what Alexander?"

"Please t-touch me."

Alexavier grinned and sped up his thrusts. He reached a hand between them, taking his brothers need in hand. That is what Alexander needed, a few quick strokes and his body exploded in pleasure. Their lips met his they rode out their tidal wave of euphoric pleasure. Alexavier slumped on his brother their breathing coming in pants.

"I love you," they smiled as they said those three words at the same time. They were finally united in every sense of the word.

The End


And finished. Damn. I really did love this story. Maybe in the future ill rewrite it and add more scenes but for now this is the end. Thanks for supporting me and reading this story. Thanks for having patience in me and not giving up. I'll try to upload in shorter periods of time.

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