Season 3: Episode 7 - Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1

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 Episode 7 – Rumble for Ragnarok Part 1

The Sunchaser is cruising smoothly through the air as Donald and the family go on another adventure. Scrooge is between the Duckburg Six sitting on crates and a presentation of a snake encircling the Earth.

Scrooge: Every 10 years Jormungandr, the great snake that encircles the Earth releases his tail and threatens to destroy the planet.

Huey: Um...I have numerous science-based questions.

Scrooge: ...Unless the chosen champion Earth can defeat him and his barbarian minions in combat. I am that champion.

Duckburg Six: Oooooh!

Scrooge: One day I'll have to pass the torch to the next champion of Earth. Which of you will it be? The kids are excited. Webby, Violet, Lena, Huey, Louie... For some strange reason Dewey is ignored. Webby.

Dewey: Dewey steps up. You're saving my name for last, right? For dramatic effect?

Scrooge: Yes...that...the truth is none of you are ready to fight just yet. I'm only bringing you along to prepare you for the future

Huey: Why are you trusting us with that and not Donald and Mom?

Violet: Hubert makes a point. Would it not make sense to leave this task to Uncle Donald and Aunt Della.

Scrooge: Because you 6 are new generation. Also, I don't trust Donald and Della to cooperate on a jigsaw puzzle, much less the fate of the universe.

Webby: Aww, come on Uncle Scrooge, you don't really mean that.

Huey: Yeah! They're the Duck Twins!

Lena: Those two are like the ultimate team.

Louie: They can handle everything that comes their way because they have each other.

Violet: We've seen their bond and how close they are.

Dewey: Plus, it was Donald and Mom that defeated Lunaris once and for all. If it weren't for them... Louie coughs. ...And Louie the entire universe would've been destroyed.

Scrooge: Scrooge sheepishly reconsiders. Okay, when you say it like that I suppose I can trust them with the fate of the universe. He points with his cane. But right now, they cannae even cooperate over one measly jigsaw puzzle.

The kids turn their heads to see Donald and Della angrily trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together. Della was about to place a piece until Donald snatches it and places it in a different space.

Donald: No, you dummy! That piece goes here!

Della: You need glasses or something?! Della snatches it back and puts it in her space. That doesn't fit there, it fits here!

Again, Donald snatches and now he and Della have a tug of war over the puzzle piece and they're furious.

Donald: No! Here!

Della: That's not where it goes you idiot!

Donald: Well, why not?!

Della: 'Cause I'm better at this and I know how these things work!

Donald: I have just as much experience with puzzles as you!

Della: They furiously look each other in the eye. Yeah right! You're an expert on puzzles as you are at keeping your houseboat floating ANGRY BIRD!


Donald grabs the puzzle box and throws in Della's face. She's falls back with a shout and Donald tackles her. They're covered in a comical dust of smoke as they childishly fought that clears to reveal them on the floor comically rolling on the floor. Scrooge and the kids deadpan as they watch the childish scene.

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