Season 2: Episode 34 - Whatever Happened to Donald Duck! Part 2

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Episode 34 – Whatever Happened to Donald Duck! Part 2

Donald stares at Lunaris with pure hatred as Penumbra's badge glows red.

Lunaris: You won't be sending any warning. Oh, and Captain Penumbra's little rebellion is over before it began, thanks to this. A pity, but great victory comes with sacrifice.

Donald: You bastard! I know what you're planning on doing you sick freak and I know what you've done! How could lie to your own people like this!? How could you betray my sister!? She trusted you, TRUSTED YOU WITH HER LIFE!

Lunaris: Your sister was a fool, pathetic, soft and naive to have ever trusted me. I only pretended to be kind and compassionate in her eyes in order for her to relinquish the plans for her rocket. The Great Della Duck will be responsible for the destruction of her planet and the Legendary Donald Duck will be held responsible for failing to stop me!

Donald: I also know about your plan! You're gonna have Earth orbit the Moon and use the Infinity Stones to destroy half of all life on Earth.

Lunaris: Right you are! The Infinity Stones are remarkable artefacts. Imagine 6 of the most powerful relics of the universe in my hands. I will use them to make your people fear the Earth just as my people feared it for cycles. Imagine the trauma your people will suffer when I destroy half of life on your pathetic planet Earth.

Donald: You're the pathetic one. And you're sick and twisted too.

Lunaris: If I am then that is because of the fear your planet invoked on us. Well, no more. Of course… He frowns. It could've been done sooner had it not been for your annoying Cornerstone of Light.

Donald: Donald smirks. You had the Space Stone but you couldn't use it to get to Earth. The Cornerstone blasted you out.

Lunaris: Yes. Your wretched sphere of light prevented me from gaining access to your planet. I knew if I couldn't get to Earth through magic I would have to get there the old fashioned way and I was most fortunate when your sister landed on my planet. He puts away the device and cynically holds up the manual. Thanks to good old Earth Compassion and her Spear blueprints I will use these ships to invade your planet, rip the Time Stone from your time machine, kill Lena De Spell once again and take away the Reality Stone and hunt down the Soul Stone. With all 6 stones in my grasp I will destroy everything and everyone you ever loved… He gives Donald a sadistic smile. Starting with your precious family…

Donald: Donald growls, struggling to control his rage. That's never gonna happen you overgrown washout blueberry. I will stop you Lunaris!

Lunaris: And how do you plan on doing that Donald Duck. I have destroyed your mighty staff: Save the Queen, three Infinity Stones are already in my grasps, my fleet is almost complete and my army is just about ready.

Donald growls, eying the top of the cannon aimed at earth. He quickly tries to run past Lunaris only for the tyrannical Moonlander to trip the Mage of Thunder. Lunaris walks up to Donald as he grabs the transmitter.

Lunaris: A few brave soldiers get hurt in war and I admit that I would deeply be regretful of that loss, but it's worth it for the glory of the Planet Moon.

Donald: The Moon is not a-

A fit of rage and fury Lunaris picks up Donald by his collar, glaring dangerously.

Lunaris: IT IS A PLANET! More of a planet than your earth will be once I'm done with it!

Lunaris gives Donald a vicious toss, sending the sailor screaming through the hanger. Donald almost lands in the shuttle but quickly stuffs the transmitter in his pocket and proceeds to run up to the top only for Lunaris to land in front, blocking his way with a sadistic grin.

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