Movie 4: Moonvasion Endgame Part 7

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Moonvasion Endgame Part 7

Kingdom Hearts 2 – Armoured Xemnas 2 Boss Music

After blasting into cloud, Donald and Della (still in their 75% full power states) found themselves floating in some sort of dark void with, half of it was gold and the other is dark blue. A bunch of asteroids were floating around them.

Donald: Where are we? What's with all these asteroids?

Della: We're in some sort of dark void.

Donald: Lunaris has to be here somewhere.

They find a gold aircraft of some sort. Della takes the wheel and Donald stands on the wing as they took flight. After some minutes of flying they spot something ahead.

Donald: Look!

In the centre of the void was a floating golden coliseum with a moon symbol in the centre.

Della: Deadly looking coliseum in the centre of a void, this must be where Lunaris is hiding.

Wings emerge from the coliseum; the faces containing the Heartless and Nobody symbol much to the horror of the Duck Twins as the wings gather energy.

Donald: I'd say definitely to that!

Two massive laser beams are shot from the wings but using her expert piloting skills Della amazingly dodges them both while Donald hangs on as tight as possible onto the wing. She closes in on the coliseum and the aircraft hovers above the opening at the top. When it gets close enough the Duck Twins leap off and land inside.

The twins now find themselves in an enormous space, perfect for fighting. And sitting at the end on a throne was a large figure dressed in gold armour in a similar fashion and design to Xemnas in his armour. The figure wears a cape made out of gold flames, his face is covered in a gold mask and he wears Surtur's crown as his headwear. In his hand he holds a long sabre of gold energy, the same design as armoured Xemnas. It was none other than Lunaris in his new and final form.

The twins glare at the figure, knowing who it is.

Donald: Lunaris…

Della: So he has been hiding here…

Donald: Lunaris! Is that you!?

Lunaris: Indeed. Welcome Duck Twins…to your entrance to the afterlife. There will be no escape for either of you, especially now that I've achieved the ultimate power without any need for the Infinity Stones.

Donald and Della hear a noise and turn their heads to see their aircraft get sucked into the void. Their ticket out of her is no more but the twins are undeterred. Accepting that there's no turning back, they nod to each other in determination.

Donald summons Monado and Della summons Godslayer in blasts of blue and brown light. They get into their fighting stances and prepare for the fight of their lives.

Della: Donald…

Donald: Yeah?

Della: I never got a chance… to keep my promise and make it up to Louie… to take him to Big Rock Candy Mountain. We didn't have enough time together, for me to show how much I love him and how sorry I am.

Donald: We'll find a way to save Louie later. For now let's finish this big palooka once and for all, and then you can spend as much time with your boys as you want.

Della: YEAH! And whatever happens…I want you to remember that I love you Donnie and I'm glad to be facing it with you.

Donald: I love you too Dell.

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