----End of Flashback----

"And now I know," droplets of tears escape her eyes, "why I'd been wanting to find you all this time. To thank you."

Levi still stood in his place, listening to (Y/n) ever so silently without making any movements. He never thought that this day would come so fast, the day when the world decides to enclose the truth.

A single sob emerged from her throat, "I-it must've been tough on you that day too, so.. Thank you for protecting me, being there for me. I guess those are the words I've been wanting to say." With that, the woman breaks into a silent cry, she tries to muffle it with her hands.

"Tch.. who would've thought that a malnourished boy could give you comfort that day ?"

He then fully turns to the secretary, "I was sure I could keep it from you until the end, but I failed." Levi sits on the side of her bed, "don't cry. You still need to get some rest."

"Do you think I can rest after all of this ?" (Y/n) snapped, still crying, "How could you ?! Why did you keep it a secret for so long ? Why ?"

The look on Levi's face is unreadable. He opens his mouth, yet no words manage to come out.

"I couldn't forget it, not even a day. What happened that day.. that night.. and what I went through.. Every time I close my eyes, it'd all come back so vividly, like it had only happened yesterday. So I was glad that you once said that you didn't remember." Levi uttered.

She sniffles a bit, "there's nothing you can hide forever in this world."

"I know," he replies, "even so, I wanted to, for as long as I could. Because I didn't want you to share that pain with me. For me, it would've been better for you to not remember it, ever."

"Don't say that. If I had felt the same amount of pain that you did and shared your load of suffering.. then I wouldn't be feeling as bad as I am now. This person who's so considerate, it's not really you, Mr. Ackerman. Why can't you just be the same egoistic, emotionless person you are ?" (Y/n) manages to speak through her sobs.

Levi raises his thin eyebrows, "is that a compliment or criticism ? Just stick to one."

The woman huffed, "from now on, don't keep anything from me. Promise me."

He reaches for (Y/n)'s hands and squeezes them softly, "I promise. Tonight, I'll be by your side, just like that day."

A small smile crept up to her lips.

------ The next day -------

"Her BP and pulse are normal. It was just a temporary anemia, so you don't have to worry too much, sir."

"I see. Thank you."

The doctors dismissed themselves as Levi was then left alone in the corridor. With a paper bag hidden behind his back, the man struts over to his girlfriend's room.

He was met by the sight of (Y/n) organizing some documents on her bed as well as holding a tablet. Even though she should be resting, the woman just can't keep her hands off work, "Oh, Mr. Ackerman," She acknowledges his presence and stands from her place, "you said you were off to talk to the doctors, what took you so long ?"

"I needed to retrieve something from my place."

"Uh.. hand sanitizer ? Documents ?"

"No. It's an object that will bring you the utmost comfort, considering that my hands worked so damn hard to create it," Levi said. He then pulls out the paper bag behind his back and hands it to her.

A glimpse of happiness reflected in her eyes as she unwrapped the present, "it's a hand-knit blanket !" (Y/n) beamed, holding the soft fabric in her hands.


"Did you tell your mother to make this for me ? That's so kind of her but she shouldn't have-"

Levi crosses his arms, "Tch, I sew it myself brat," he then turns his head to the side, blushing, "I-I asked my mother to teach me how to knit and sew. I wanted to give you the best blanket you could ever have so I thought making one is a good idea.." Hell, he even remembers what Kenny said to him when the old man caught his nephew sitting in his room, in the Ackerman residence, knitting instead of working.

Indeed, Kenny laughed his ass off at the sight of Levi knitting a damn blanket while watching a tutorial on YouTube.


"Ooooh~ Levi is that you ? Who are you trying to impress huh ? Don't tell me you want to be a househusband ?"

The short man sent his uncle a death glare.

"Kuchel !! You gotta see this ! Your short ass son is-"

Levi threw a chair at him as he suddenly roared in rage. Kenny is the least person he wanted to tell about this 'knitting thingy'. He ended up scaring the shit out of his uncle. 



The great vice president Levi Ackerman.. He really went all the length just to knit a blanket for her.. 

(Y/n) stifled a laugh, "you did ??? w-wow.. That's very sweet of you, Mr. Ackerman."

"Yeah," Levi clears his throat, "so.."

"Have I assured you that I'm a husband material ?"

She tore her eyes from the blanket that she has been examining for a few minutes, "w-wha.. Husband material ? Just what are you..."

Levi puffed out his reddened cheeks, "hmph.. Don't you remember brat ?"


"Will I meet you again ?"

Her soft tiny hands grasped into the old crippled shirt that clung to the boy's body. He looked at her with a gaze that she couldn't read, "I- I don't think we can.." he stammered.

"Then find me, and marry me in the future !" The little girl cried, "promise me that we'll meet again !"

A new wave of emotions that he had never felt before washed over him.

"I'll try, I'll try to find you again.." He linked his skinny pinky to hers.

"And then I'll marry you."

---End of flashback---

"You forced me to marry you in the future, almost leaving me speechless. And now this is your response ? How disappointing." He pouted.

(Y/n) gaped, "...did I ??? Oh my gosh, I didn't remember."

"Alright, I'll let this one slide," Levi pinches the bridge of his nose, "but there I was, a famous CEO, asking his mother if she could teach me how to knit a blanket. The whole house was shocked. Kenny once took a video of me knitting and he almost uploaded it to YouTube. He even thought that I suffered from an identity crisis. Tch.. Even if you don't remember, I'll still give it to you."

The secretary cackles before turning away to place the given blanket on the bed, and that's when a pair of arms find their way around her waist.

Levi nestles his chin on top of her head as he hugs her from behind.

"I'm glad you're the boy I'd been searching for, Mr. Ackerman," (Y/n) smiles softly as she feels his body pressing against her back, transferring the same warmth that she received that night about 20 years ago.

The vice president nods while pressing his lips tenderly to her scalp, "I have been dying to make myself obvious ever since the first time you came into my company."

"I'm glad to meet you again, (Y/n)." 

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