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Zui was bored, you still haven't come back yet. She was just lounging around the living room, nothing to do. She's been itching to go to the town too but she had volunteer to stay at the tree house to 'guard it'. She was now starting to regret her suggestion since she's dying of boredom right now.

She stood up from her sitting position and head to her chest, she put on a pair of black gloves and put on her scarf to protect her from the cold. She then fetched her crossbow from the chest, she paused- looking down at her crossbow.

She then shook her head and put her crossbow back down on the chest and grabbed a normal bow, she then grabbed a bag full of arrows. While looking out of the window she saw a couple of guards roaming the grounds, probably because they saw them go through the woods as an escape plan.

Using her actual crossbow will make her suspicious since she used the same crossbow on the 'show'. She want to avoid being suspicious as possible so instead she grabbed a normal bow, this bow is much more lighter than her crossbow but she can manage. She walked to the door and grabbed the vine- she gripped the vine and slid down the tree.

Her boots made contact with the snow underneath her, she then looked around to see a couple of guards surrounding the area. They were walking around while looking around the area with weary eyes, she frowned and pull her scarf on her chin.

Since you'll probably take long to come home she figured to go for a hunt for the moment, so that when you come back there'll be food ready on the table.

She walked deeper to the woods, she passed by the clearing when the dummies you and she used to train your skills. When she found a nice clearing that's filled with pigs and sheeps she smiled.

She then kneeled down behind a bush, loading an arrow to the bow as she aim for a ram that's eating grass. She squinted her eyes a bit before firing her shot.

The arrow swishes on the wind as it flew to the ram.

At least that's what she thought.

A surprised gasp flew in the wind as the arrow missed the target.

Zui's head perked up as she looked up, when she looked at the ram she was looking at earlier it was gone. She raised a confused eyebrow and stood up to scan the area.


She froze at the booming voice, she then looked around the field to find another guard. She was surprised to see a guard in this area since she went pretty far away from where the other guards were patrolling at.

"Put down your weapon!"

She turn to the guard, the guard has brown and white hair that was so puffy you mistaken it as a sheep's wool. she was wearing a black tunic layered by netherite armor, she was wearing a red cape on her back as well on the cape has the crest of the kingdom- meaning she's probably from the royal guard.

She was pointing a netherite sword at zui.

Almost immediately zui tossed her bow and bag of arrow in the ground and put her hands up in the air, "woah woah-" she starts as she walked backwards a bit.

"What are you doing here?" The royal guard spoke out.

She hesitated for a second before answering. "Uh... Hunting..?" She then nodded her head to the field of animals.

The guard's tense shoulders relaxed a bit as She lowered her weapon down, he then looked at the bow and arrows on the ground. Zui followed his gaze then looked back up to him and immediately panicked. "Oh- I'm so sorry! I thought you were a ram!" Now that she realized that her sentence sounded like an insult she quickly reworded herself. "I- I mean, because of the hair and horns... Y'know..?"

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