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The next day we all left Camp Jupiter. Hassan was still in the infirmary but Calypso sped up his healing with her Chaos power.

It took a lot of persuading, apparently he'd fallen behind on tv and movies and needed to catch up, but after we managed to get Reyna to agree to let him go, which she did very grudgingly, he agreed to accompany us.

As he left, he took Reyna aside and said something to her before embracing her, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger but I let it go. Plenty of time to interrogate him on their relationship during the journey. Since we could not use void travel and our wings were for cosmetic purposes( I insisted on wearing them as part of keeping our identity secret), we had no choice but to fly there.

Leo And Calypso had Festus, Jason and Piper had tempest, Zoe and Luke had their helicopter. Arion and Frank in eagle form were staying as far away from each other as possible. It's clear sides were being taken in the whole frank and hazel thing as Piper and Jason seemed to side with the former and Zoe and Luke as well as Leo sides with the latter.

I summoned Blackjack who I had been seeing secretly for years. As he landed I greeted him with a hand to hoof high five as I ruffled his feathers and he neighed out in satisfaction. I then snapped my fingers and a large amount of bolts and screwed as well as a few wheels and other parts appeared in front of Hassan. He seemed irritated when I told him to build a plane. ' You don't like me very much do you.' He asked. "Is this cause I pretty much kicked your butt?" " You caught us all by surprise," I growled out," if there's a next time I'll defeat you myself."

I was about to offer him a ride on blackjack behind me but he merely clapped his hands and a Phoenix made of flame appeared. Hassan jumped upon its back, seemingly unbothered by the fire.

' 'What but how?' I managed to choke out. ' Champion of Hestia, remember?.' He stated before flying off. I shook my head and followed him, towards Wise Girl and towards the place that was once Home.

Death of a legend( Percy Jackson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now