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Percy pov.
The cavern suddenly began to shake and Gaia's laughter echoed all around. ' We gotta get out of here!' Nico yelled. He then narrowly dodged a dislodged piece of the ceiling that would have flattened him had he not moved. Jason and Piper tried to escape, but in Jason's weakened state, Piper was supporting him and they were limping along slowly. Frank rightly guessed they would be crushed too due to their slow movement speed so he
tossed Jason and Piper onto his back and ran towards the exit. I lifted the unconscious man onto my shoulders into a fireman's carry and we then rushed towards where Zoe and the others were supposed to be.

If we were expecting a reprieve, we were clearly mistaken. While the sounds of falling debris lessens with each step, the sounds of battle and of weapons clanging only grew louder. As we turned the corner we saw Zoe desperately trying to rally the others into a kind of phalanx formation but clearly it was a losing battle .' Where is the nearest Camp!' Leo yelled while decapacitating a Dracanae with a flaming hammer. ' I believe it's Camp Jupiter!", Frank yelled while swinging his massive sword taking down three laistrygonian giants simultaneously . Slowly but surely, we began to gain ground and push the enemy back. After a good 30 minutes, we had managed to make our  way out of the subterranean laid underneath the ride and se managed to open a portal to get to camp Jupiter.

Yet due to our exhausted state, there was a slight time gap between when we entered and exited the portal. We seem to have taken a few minutes in a kind of stasis if you will, travelling through the portal. Enough time had lapsed so that when we reached Camp Jupiter  we found the Romans in battle positions with their weapons drawn.

"At ease!" A voice yelled and a slim young woman dressed in purple armour walked to the front of the troops. Immediately they lowered their weapons and drew apart. As she drew closer, I smiled as I recognised her to be Reyna. She hadn't betrayed me but we'd never been to close so I didn't follow up on her after my exit from the planet. A mistake in hindsight.

I stepped forward and requested a private audience with Reyna. We walked off as the rest of my troops and hers remained where they were. She led me into a familiar room, where the senate once was. She then sat down at her desk and gazed up at me. What is your purpose in coming here?.' She demanded.

I revealed myself and smiled as I saw the shock, anger and then relief flood her face. Her reaction was to hug me tightly. I blushed and my heart started beating faster for a reason I couldn't explain.

After catching her up on the situation; we headed back to the main square. Everyone else introduced themselves and Frank, who had not been wearing a mask nor had Jason or Piper; had already bend welcomed into the camp and were in friendly conversations with other campers. The other mercenaries soon followed suit.

As I took a step towards the center of the mass group. I saw a figure move out of the corner of my eye. The boy from the dungeons had woken up ' Ow my head... Where the hell am I?' He muttered as he slowly got to his feet. He looked around, seemingly dazed.' Hassan?' A voice said from my right and I turned in surprise to see Reyna with a mixture of emotions across her face. Hassan's face paled rapidly. "Umm... Hi?"

Suddenly Reyna sprinted over to him and immediately tackled him to the ground before slapping him hard across the face and punching him 3-4 times, calling him an idiot. After a few more minutes of screaming and shaking him like a rag doll; She then started hugging him and I noticed she was softly weeping.

Inexplicably, I felt consumed by feelings of both jealousy and curiosity, emotions I hadn't felt since I became a Chaos mercenary. Confusion over who this mysterious dungeon crawler was also percolated through my mind.

What was going on?

Death of a legend( Percy Jackson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now