A Step Forward

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*Lucas's pov*

I couldn't think. My mind when straight blank when Bryan said that. I wanted to blush and get defensive but I couldn't. I saw Devin wave his hand and I tried to move but my body wouldn't let me. That was until Brandon came in and grabbed my good hand and lead me to my next class which I now just realized I had with him.

The rest of the day went surprisingly normal besides my constantly beating heart. I managed to get to all my classes and my PE teacher after I explained my situation chose a fun running game. At least I wond have to use my hand.

When I finally got to my dorm Brandon was in the kitchen making, and I'm not going to question his choice, but he was making soup.

"What are you doing?" I asked and Brandon looked up at me for a mom before going back to chopping kale.

"Making soup. I'm making it out of habit." Brandon said and I chuckled and grabbed the soup stir stick and stirred it.

"Can I ask how it became a habit?" I asked and I heard Brandon hum before replying.

"I learned how to make soup because Ritchie unlike me liked going outside in the cold without proper gear. He said it's good trains but we where little back then. He often got sick and the thing that mom said would make it all better is soup." Brandon said and I quietly listened. It's nice to hear Brandon talk. His voice I actually found very soothing.

"So it's a habit because when ever Ritchie gets hurt or sick I would usually make it." Brandon said.

"Your making the soup because I got hurt?" I asked

"You could say that." Brandon sand walking over to me and I moved and he added in the kale.

"Awe that adorable." I said

"Ya you know what else is adorable?" Brandon asked

"You?" I asked and Brandon looked at me a bit shocked while a smile formed on his face.

"I guess we both are pretty." Brandon said and I felt my face heat up again.

"Oh wait you where...oh..." I stopped and chuckled as Brandon held out his hand and I gave him the stir stick.

"I geuss this brings me to my next question." Brandon said tasting the soup to make sure it was good.

"And what would that be?" I asked

"... actually I'll ask you later." He said and I sighed and walked out of the kitchen before coming back.

"Your going to leave me hanging?" I walked and he laughed.

"Maybe? Yes yes I am." Brandon said and I groaned but I was smiling.

"Your rotten." I said

"Ya well wind can't rot but it can be pure." Brandon said and I rolled my eyes heading into the living room area and saw a box on the table.

"What's this?" I asked

"Oh I ran into Devin earlier and since he had a free period because he teacher was sick he went and joined the cooking class and made donuts he said that it's for you because he wants you to feel better." Brandon said and I smiled.

"That definitely sounds like Devin." I said opening the box and looked and the donuts. He's really good and making them.

I took one and ate it enjoying the raspberry flavor. Devin always makes it strong enough to tell you which flavor it is but he doesn't exaggerate the flavor so you can actually taste a bit of the bread.

I grabbed another one and was about it eat it when Brandon gently moved my hand away from my mouth and lead my hand to the box. He set down a bowl of soup and I pouted at him a d he only chuckled.

"Soup first then you can enjoy the rest of Devin's hand made treats." Brandon said and I let of the donut as he handed me a spoon. He himself also had a bowl and I leaned over to get mine.

I frowned at the low coffee table and Brandon got up coming back later with a stool that he put between my legs and he put my bowl on it and I thanked him and begun to eat. Of course I blew on it a bit to cool it down but otherwise it was actually really good.

I smiled as I enjoyed it and when I was finished Brandon took my bowl to the kitchen. When he came out he asked me to follow him and I did out to the balcony of our dorm and held my one good hand.

"So I know it's only been like maybe three, four mouths since I've met you but these feelings won't go away so I was wondering if you would like to maybe..." Brandon trailed off slightly and I at him

"Be your boyfriend? If you weren't going to ask I would have asked on a later date." I said and Brandon smiled as he put his hand on my face.

I felt my face heat up but when my eye went back up to Brandon from looking at his hand his lips made contact with mine.

It was a gentle and soft I relaxed at the touch. I smiled at him as he pulled away.

"I love you"

"I love you too."

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