Starting Relationship Troubles

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*David's pov*

I have flirted with him countless times and I don't think he's getting the hint and in all honesty it's pissing me off. He's in the kitchen right now and I'm standing at the top of the stairs.

I don't know why but the idea of being physically might be what I have to do. I stop leaning on the rail and head downstairs and stood at the doorway Mario's the I need to be in class on time all the time even if that means that he only gets like 30 minutes of sleep and I'm going to say this. It's a stupid rule.

I get it he's trying to put up a I'm a good student thing so that he can make sure that his bad deeds get taken off his history or at leave an acknowledgement that he's redeemed himself.

"Why are you doing David." Mario asked not even looking at me.

"I don't know maybe watching you." I said

"Than stop." He said and I rolled my eyes and he finally looked at him he was mad but I only smiled at him.

How to sound possessive, but he's mine. He's going to be mine he just need to get it through his thick skull that I like him.

"Leave right now." He said and I bent so slightly to get to his eye level

"Or what? What you going to do... cutie." I said smiling at him and I knew I caught him off guard with that one.

"W-what did you just call me?" He asked stepping back. I think I finally got him.

"You heard me I said cutie." I said walking forward twords him til his back was against the wall. I turned off the stove as I walked by and I reached my hand up placing it on the wall above his shoulder and I put my other hand in my pocket.

My eyes met his and I smirked at him and he nervously looked at me.

"" Mario said not being able to put words together.

"I'll say this right now. Your dense, I've been flirting with you for a mouth now and you never seem to get it. That's fine I think I got my point across." I said removing my hand and backed away.

I saw from the corner of my eye Mario's face as it had a huge blush on it. I smiled as I grabbed a apple and my bag and left for school.

*Mario's pov*

My heart just couldn't stop. This idiot, my absolute idiot of a roommate! I've been trying to ignore him for the past mouth but I guess now that's just making him upset. I swear to God if this made me late to my class though I'm going to kick him.

I quickly walk over and grab what I left in the pan and put it into the container and packed it grabbing my bag and I ran to school. As soon as I got to my class I saw Devin. I always have my first class with Devin and Devin seemed to be hiding his face.

I walked over and sat next to him because our seats are never single designated we sit we're we want to sit because come kids want more space then others.

"You good?" I asked

"I'm fine..." Devin said his voice ever so slightly muffled.

"That doesn't sound ok. What's up?" I asked

Devin sighed as he looked up he had a blush line on his face and it was extremely noticable.

"Oh? What happened?" I asked

"Yesterday when I came back to the dorms after moving in with my brothers-" Devin started.

"Oh you moved in with them congrats." I said Devin's like one of the only kids besides Kit that I'll be very friendly with.

"Ya I moved in with them but anyway I came back to the dorms and the first thing I see is Ritchie walking out of the bathroom after a shower. His chest is open and a towel is wrapped around his waist." Devin said and I kinda knew where this was going.

"I went and hung up my backpack and the next thing I know he's right behind me super close." Devin said and I chuckled.

"Your in love with Ritchie." I said low enough so only Devin could hear.

"I....I have a crush yes." Devin groaning.

"Trust me your not the only one who has had that kind of encounter." I said and Devin looked at me his blush slightly fading.

"Ya what happened?" He asked

"David is what happened. I'm cooking in the kitchen and he comes in and calls me cutie instead of the usual pebble brains and he backs me up I to a wall pinning me before saying he's been flirting with me for the past mouth which I already know I've just never taken him to be serious enough to actually do that." I said and Devin was smiling at him.

"Your blushing." He said and I stuttered over my words. I looked around the classroom and was about to move when Devin grabbed my shirt

"Wait please don't leave me I'm sorry." Devin said in a playful voice and I sighed and sat down as the bell rang.

"We don't speak of this to anyone but us got it." I said and Devin held out his pinky. I took it and he smiled as the teacher walked in.

"Alright let's get started with class."

*Lucas's pov*

I walked down the hallway and twords the locker when all of the suddenly I got bumped into. I tripped over and some of my books fell. I reached over to grabbed them but then all do the suddenly and foot slammed down on my hand making me yelp in pain.

"Hey watch were your going brat." I looked up to see one of those people. All fashioned in a gangster style with piercings, and of course had their two "friends" I as I would put it.

"Get off my hand." I said pulling it away making them almost lose balance.

"How dare you almost make me fall." They said before swinging their leg kicking me in the face

I saw people gathering around and I saw some people being held back from a fight but as soon as I sat up and heard a very angry yell as the gangsters all looked up just in time to see a very angry Devin jump and Devin had something in his hand as he crashed into the leader and harshly grabbed his face pushing it into the ground and shoved what I recognized as a jelly filled donut just the jelly filling as I learned is a extremely spicy sauce.

Devin got up and backed up and picked up my stuff and gave it to me and ran for the next person and grabbed them and forced a donut into their mouth and did the same for the last one.

I watched as all three swallowed and soon enough regretted it as their faces turned red and they coughed violently.

"Eat Spicy sauce you little shits"

Divinus Magia HighschoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora