Feelings of Affection

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*David's pov*

Well I haven't felt this way before. It's weird but I like it. It's been three weeks with him but he's got a different feel then anyone else. Pebbles or Mario doesn't like me for some reason but I have a feeling that's to hide something.

I'm currently laying on the couch shirtless and pantless because that's just me. Plus they always magically come back to me so I don't have to worry. Mario came out of his room at last and when he saw me he groaned and turned around.

"You know you either deal with me and get what you want or you walk back up there and either starve of dehydrate." I said

"I can eat the dirt." Mario said and I almost laughed.

"Just come back down and grab some water I'll put my pants back on." I said and like that I had pants again.

"Ugh fine only because I want some water." Mario said and I chuckled getting up.

He walked into the kitchen and I waited a bit before walking in and went right behind him and put my hand in his hair.

"What the hell man!" Mario said flinching spilling the water.

"Oops." I said with hands up before I saw a faint red line on Mario's face as he got up and refilled his glass and he walked past me quickly grabbing an apple from the fridge and he left.

Well that was entertaining.

*Brandon's pov*

I was going to talk to Lucas about talking about how he shouldn't speak about people behind their backs, but as I told Ritchie that I had feelings that came up and now I have a crush I can't bring myself to talk to Lucas seriously. Interesting right?

Although aren't we all crushing on someone. We start off as friends with crushes and then we eventually get together that's how it usually goes right. Maybe, I've watched people get into relationships a lot and that how it usually is.

Lucas cames back from swim which he's obviously good at but then again there are a lot of mater mages in that department. Lucas went to the shower first so I came down and chopped up some fruit and vegetables and set it on the coffee table and sat down.

I messaged Ritchie saying  "hey how is your relationship with Devin right now?" Many people can take this out of context but how else am I going to say this. Just say hey how's your roommate? That doesn't even fully get the point of me saying how's your friendship going I don't know if they are friends so how else am I going to say it.

I looked down at Ritchie's response "He hasn't come out of his room yet and I can hear meows in his room. Pretty sure he's crying over kittens he picked up and or imagined."

I chuckled and responded "oh he's crying? How can you tell?" I asked

"I knocked on his door and he literally said. Go away I'm eating donuts and crying." I laughed at his point not knowing Lucas had looked over my shoulders and saw the text. I heard his laugh behind me and I looked at him.

"That sounds so much like Devin." Lucas said

"Oh really how would you know?" I asked

"I hung out with him two years ago I haven't seen him in a while, it's really nice to see him here." Lucas said and I noticed he was just wearing a towel.

I looked away and made the wind blow a bit before texting to Ritchie again. "Go get dressed." I said, I am so close to blushing but I'm not going to let it get to me but I have to say he looks nice.

"I'm watching you. Don't do that again." Lucas said as he hurried upstairs.

"That's funny. Anyways mom sent me a text earlier saying that during one of the weekends she wants to come over. Your dorm or mine?" I sent it and waited.

"I don't care." Ritchie said

"Alright your dorm then." I said and that ended out conversation.

"You coming back down? I cut up food for both of us!" I yelled and I heard his door open as some fast foot steps before I watched him slide down the stair railing and then came over to the couch and sat down.

"Thanks man I was getting hungry." Lucas said

"Your welcome cutie." I said before realizing what I said and I looked at Lucas who was basically frozen.

"Ignore what I said just eat." I said and Lucas slowly started to move again.

"...So Devin, you knew him a couple  of years ago." I asked changing the subject Lucas would know.

"Oh ya. That, funny story we actually became friends after he got stung by a bee and I helped take the bee's toxins out of his hand." Lucas and I almost laughed. That's how they met?

"That's a strange way of meeting people." I said

"It is. Looking back though I'm glad it happened." Lucas said smiling at me which was adorable.

"Anyways how does it feel to know that your A rank. Would have gotten S if someone else hadn't taken that." I said

"Wait I would have gotten S class?" Lucas said

"Ya Miss P had a hard time choosing but S class went to Devin. We can only give one S class at a time. I'm sure you'll get your rank up during the trials." I said

"The trails as it magic trails that happen every year." Lucas said

"Yup." I said

"Wow good for Devin for getting S class considering how many times he's passed out while using his magic." Lucas said

"Ya I was going to ask about that." I said

"Ya Devin's good at his magic just how much he uses it different. I also think there is something else, but I don't know.... Oh god when was the last time Devin ever had a doctor visit...." Lucas said the last bit softly.

"A doctor visit?" I asked and he freaked.

"Nothing to worry about it's his life not mine to say." He said defensively.

"Calm down." I said and Lucas just stared at me.

It's funny usually I would think I'm the one looking up and down at the other person but Lucas's eyes kept moving from my eyes down and up before meeting again. Eventually he sighed and grabbed a carrot and crunch on it.

"All I'm saying is that Devin doesn't live in the best conditions. This place I would assume is the best thing he's had in... 14 years." Lucas said and I figured that's a long time.

Jeez that's a long time. Might be worth saying to Ritchie so he doesn't do anything rash.

Divinus Magia HighschoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon