Another Day In Hell

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*Devin's pov*

Well dad finally let out his rage. However the house is a mess and it's extremely cold. My dad has frost magic a form of ice and my mom had shadow magic. Lisa has mending magic which means she can mend anything together or fix things.

I slowly got up despite the pain that shot through my body. I reached up and brushed off the glass and then went to immediately check up on Lisa. Not as hurt, but she was crying. I went and hugged her and she grateful took the hug.

"I can understand the meaning of rethinking life choices." She said softly and I felt my heart sink.

"If your going to divorce him just please be careful." I said knowing what happened to mom last time.

"I'll make sure I'm prepared. I'll just call the cops he can't do anything about that." Lisa said

"Still be careful." I said before she got up and picked me up.

"Come here you light baby you need to be patched up." Lisa said

"I- I'm not a baby!" I said holding onto her.

"In my eyes you are. I don't care that your not my biological child." She said and I didn't know what to say so I just rested my head on her shoulder.

"You have serious mood swings." I said softly.

"I know my parents were always worried for me about that." Lisa said

I smiled as Lisa patched me up and I left heading back to school which I'm not too thrilled by. I got there and I grabbed my hood and put it up before walking in. I fortunately didn't have to take off my hoody and as much as I like my friends I don't want them to see me like this.

I sat alone at the cafeteria until Lucas came and sat down next to me. He didn't say anything he just began to eat.

"... Your sitting here because the other want to come huh." I said and Boat chuckled.

"Ya. They are worried about you but I did tell them that if you didn't want to talk you don't have to." Boat said looking at me.

"Are they waiting?" I asked

"I mean-" Boat said but didn't finish as I cut him off.

"They can sit here." I said and I saw Boat wave and soon enough David, Kit, and Mario came over and sat down.

"Alright food time!" David said pulling apart his chopsticks.

"Hey Devin listen to this in my class, which is PE, we where playing dodgeball but with magic and I managed to trip the best dodgeball player getting him tagged out!" Kit said excitedly

"Wow that's super cool." I said

"I still don't get how I got dragged into your group." Mario said

"Well I convinced you to." David said I could see his smirk like smile which umm no offense was weird but I saw Mario look away tsk-ing as well.

"Ya anyways Kit who do you have as a roommate?" Boat asked

"Oh a girl named Lara she's a great roommate but her brothers part of the Devil's Tongue dorm." Kit said

"Oh. And what's that dorm?" I asked.

"It's a dorm that's similar like our but it's got guards because of how much more they misbehave. Think of it like this. Our dorm is more for people who are just rebellious and or we have done something bad but want to redeem ourselves in a way. That's why I'm here." Kit said

"Oh so Devil's Tongue is what?" I asked

"Well Devil's Tongue is full of people who causes a lot of trouble and get into lost of fights and so they get taught at a different time so that people don't get beaten up by them." Kit said

"Wait you said you wanted to redeem yourself?" David asked

"Ya.... So in middle school I didn't have the best mindset because of my parents. They were toxic as hell, so I made a cult and I burned down my school. No one got hurt but my behavior changed when I was out into the foster system for a couple of years before a couple wanted me and so I'm here." Kit said

"Wow that was... something." I said

"Ya, I'm here because my magic got out of control and my god took over killing a lot of people before I was stopped." Boat said

"Jeez that's worst them me." Kit said

"I feel like I have less of a record then you guys." Mario said.

"Hey Devin what about you?" David asked and Boat coughed

"I'm not saying anything. Absolutely nothing." Boat said

"Ya no, don't. I don't think it's something to be said proudly but I feel like that's the only way I can express it." I said lifting my face a bit more.

"Oh come on. Are you just scared about it?" Mario said

"Well... Ok. Do you guys know the incident called the Town Crash." I asked

"Ya...wait don't tell me." Kit said

"Ya the floating island that crushed half the town was an island I made from my magic. I was extremely rebellious at that age and my father didn't make it any easier." I said

"I unfortunately was close by the incident so when I properly met Devin it was very awkward." Boat said

"Holy shit man that's worst then a school building." Mario said

"I know. Which is why I'm here. Or at least one of the reasons why." I said

"What do you mean by that?" Kit asked

"I...well.... Beat my dad up to the point of hospitalization. I was in prison for a short while and I frankly hate it everyone there is so much more worst then at home. Probably ended up more bruised up there then home." I said

"I... Devin are you... Abused at home?" Kit asked and I froze. I knew it I said to much.

"I..." I stopped before pulling back my hood just for them to see all the patches on my face and I took off the gloves to show the bandaids.

"Does this answer that?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes.

"Im sorry." Kit said

"Later you want me to heal you?" Boat asked

"Sure." I said

"I-" Mario started but the bell rang.

"Time for school again let's go." I said cheerfully putting back on my gloves and pulled my hood forward before leaving.

-After School-

I sighed as I got to my dorm. I opened the door to see a small group of people in there. I most definitely recognized people. Such as Soren, mr Diabolus, and Brandon. Ritchie of course was there with a girl sitting next to him super close like those who are a couple and that made my heart sting at the idea.

"Devin?" Soren said

"Hi just going to my room." I said before going upstairs.

There was also another couple but they looked like they might be the parents of the girl sitting next to Ritchie.

I took a deep breath and took off my hoody and looked down at the bandages that I could see around my neck. I should really stand up to myself more and I need to stop thinking about ending it. I have brothers to find and I don't want to leave Lisa with him. He's just going to force another child because I've read his diary.

He likes picking on kids which makes me sick but I can't just call the cops especially if I don't have a plan in set because he could get freeze everyone and leave.

I flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes after making sure my door was locked with boards this is going to be a long school year.


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