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y/n's POV:

I've been driving for quite a while and my phone is securely tucked into my waistband, loudly telling me to turn right. I make the turn and slow down a little, the neighborhood speed limit is only 25.

Usually i'd speed through, but this neighborhood has a lot of nice houses, like, big expensive type houses. There are signs everywhere that say police will be called immediately if any speeding is seen, and judging by a few cars in certain driveways, they're already here, sitting on their recliners watching tv.

My phone calls out a few more directions before telling me my destination is a few feet ahead. I scan the house numbers until I recognize Silver's and pull into the driveway.

There are no other cars, of course there could be some in the garage, but from what I can see there's only an old, navy colored bicycle laying against the house. I hop off my motorcycle and put down the kickstand, taking out my keys and walking to the front door.

After ringing the bell like I was told I waited for the door to open. A little while went by so I rang it again and removed my phone from my shorts. Just as I was about to text Silver, the door flung open and a wide-smiling, somewhat out of breath Silver opened the door.

"Hi y/n! Sorry, I was upstairs". He moved to the side so I could come in, still breathing heavily and wearing a goofy-nervous smile.

I giggled as I walked past him, looking around his house. It was really big, and clean too, not a speck of dust anywhere.

"Sorry if it's messy, I tried cleaning before you came".

I scoffed and shot Silver an 'are you kidding' look. "What do you mean, this place is spotless!".

He smiled proudly and glanced around the room.

I smiled too and rolled my eyes, then noticing his book bag on a table in the kitchen.

"I hope you don't mind, I thought we could work over there".

"No, that's fine".

I could tell he was nervous so I gave him a smile and tipped my head, signaling for him to follow as I made my way to the table.

We sat down and started to work, and around thirty minutes later he had calmed down and started to joke around with me. We had actually gotten a lot done, but we'd also made it fun, and we were on the last science worksheet when...

"Okay, so for question fi-". *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*

Silver stopped talking and looked up towards the door, a confused expression on his face.

"Expecting anyone?". I asked while looking at the door with him.

"I don't think so...". He turned on his phone and quickly read something on the lock screen, his eyes immediately growing larger as he put his phone face down and swiftly walked to the door.

Silver's POV:

Sonic: Hey Silver, can I come over? I wanna talk.


I put my phone on the table screen down and sped-walked to the front door, swinging it open just enough so that y/n couldn't see who it was.

An angry looking blue hedgehog stood very close to the door, fists clenched at his sides.

"Nice motorcycle in the driveway, where'd you get that Silver?".

I gulped and pulled at the collar of my hoodie, his teeth were clenched as he asked the question and I could tell he was pissed.

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