6... Don't Leave Me.

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"Y-yeah??.. But why did you hug me.. I thought you were mad?" I was confused.

Ranboo shook his head, "Silly, I'm still mad, but even if I am mad that doesn't take away from the fact you had a panic attack. I still care about you." Ranboo smiled.

"Oh.. I.. Thank you. How did you know?"

"You sound like that when you are about to break down, so I assumed, here come inside we can talk." Ranboo took my hand, softly. Leading me into the house.

He led me to the couch and sat down across from me, i felt intimidated. I looked down at the ground, tapping my foot rapidly. "W-what is it." I got a little angry, he was just staring at me?

"Well I wanna know what in hells name compelled you to hang out with TUBBO?" He was still upset, I'm scared.

"He.. He and Dream showed up at my house and then Tubbo apologized.. Nothing bad." I looked to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay well you know what he did you me and you, so why are you friends with him."

"Maybe he can change." I spoke.

The room went silent.

"Hello?" I questioned.

Another second of silence passed, then a voice. "I don't know what to say, just tell Karl to come back." He sighed.


"Tommy theres nothing to talk about." Ranboo shuddered.

"I'm willing to give him a second chance, Ok?"

"You remember how awful he was. You don't even care." He seethed.

"I DO CARE!?" I shout suddenly, getting upset.

"Well ACT LIKE IT! If he ends up hurting you or the people around you, don't come crying to me."

Ranboos fist was clenched as he said that, I just took out my phone and called Karl. "I wanna go home now." I mumbled.

He's still mad at me. being here didnt fix anything. Nothing at all. I just hurt everybody.

Karl eventually came and picked me up, he tried talking to me but I just didn't reply, I don't care. "Did you guys fix it?"  He asked.

"Im assuming not." Karl went quiet, matching my energy.

Once we got home I ran upstairs to my room, Wilbur was sitting in there and waiting on his bed. "Tommy!" Wil looked up and ran to me, hugging me tightly. "A-are you okay?"

I looked down, a little shattered. "No.. I'm not." I didn't know Wilbur, I could tell him.

"Do you wanna sit down with me and talk about it?" He smiled, I nodded. He took me to the floor and we sat down.

"What happened with Ranboo?" He tilt his head a little, a dog like manner. I recognize it.

"Well- He's super mad about Tubbo. Like very mad. He yelled at me- And.. And he said awful stuff I-.." I stopped for a second, thats wrong. "No.. He didn't. He didn't actually do anything, he wanted to be calm. I'm overreacting." I sighed.

"Well you know what Tubbo did to him right?"

"Of course I do- I just. I just wanna give him another chance." I looked Wil in the eyes. His eyes were so caring, it was like I was looking into the eyes of someone I've known my whole life. But I just don't know him. All I know is a boy with brown hair, a skinny figure, and a broken mind.

"Well you should think about Ranboo in this. Which of the two haven't ever left your side?" Wilbur questioned.

".. Ranboo.." I mumbled, looking down.

Wilbur spoke.
"You call him now and apologize."

"What?!" I already left his house.. I can't do that, It's embarrassing?

"Yes, call him now or I am." Wilbur raised his voice.

"No! I don't wanna!" I started crying, standing up.

Wilbur grabbed my arm in a panic and held me close to him.

I tried to tug away but then he hugged me, I looked up at him. He was sobbing, trying to hide his face.

"Wh-why are YOU crying?!" I turned around and pushed him off of me.

He was pushed to the ground, hurt. He had tears in his eyes, he covered his face a sobbed on the floor.


He cried louder, "P-Please don't leave.. I-.. I'm so sorry." His voice wavered.

"What? I- Wil what's wrong with you?!" I yelled, instantly covering my mouth.

"W-h.." He mumbled, eyes wide. He sobbed into the ground, Not caring if I heard him scream. He cried like he had held it in for years.

"I'm so sorry- Wil calm down!" I ran over to him, grabbing his arm. He was breathing like a worn-out dog.

"Please.. Don't leave me.." He fathomed.

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