Chapter 7 *TW*

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   TW: Slight Cannibalism mentioned

 "My name is Dobūrge, let's clean this up and head back to your place, and we will explain everything on the way." Marii said, well Dobūrge said.

  Feurir then grabs a stash of cleaning supplies from compartments around the RV. "Hey, uh, Feurir? Victoria? Has this happened before?" Steven asked, Vitoria kind of giggled and shrugs. Everyone helped clean. Steven keeps looking at Marii, "I can feel you staring at us Steven. Marii really likes you. She asked me to help you to not die in that, Pit of Moshing, so they say."

  Everyone was almost done cleaning, Jonathan was driving home with Mark in shotgun, holding hands the whole drive.

  They make it back to the house, everyone was holding at least two bags of tarnished towels and their own clothing that was ruined by the cleaning and blood. There was a fire pit they had in the back where they took the bags to.

  Marii/Dobūrge came around the corner with four full bags in his hands and arms, followed by Jennifer/Feurir holding one bag of Peter's head. "Funny! No. Either eat it or it's going in the fire." Victoria snapped. Feurir looked sad and gave puppy dog eyes to Victoria, " Ooh, come on, I haven't had the chance to keep a souvenir in almost a year!" 

    "That's because the three of us made a deal to only kill the people that deserve it!" Vitoria snapped again, this time  she stood up. Her standing up made Feurir crawl into the chair he was in, into a fetal position.

    "That was fiery, grr. Never knew you had that side of you, Vicky." Jonathan commented.

    "I don't need jokes from people in their underwear around a bonfire." Victoria said as she sat down and put Feurir in her lap. She whispers in his ear, "If you cook it you can keep the skull after you eat it." Feurir does a happy dance and tosses the head in the fire pit to let it cook.

    "So, uhh, are you guys going to explain what the hell is going on with you two?" Steven asked. Feurir, who had his mouth full of Peter turned to Dobūrge, "Oh fine, you mangy head people eater!" Dobūrge stands up and clears his throat.

    "A long time ago, I was merely a lad leading my Viking battles and sisters to plunder my first English claimed village, along the coast you now call Romania. My..My crew lost terribly, mercilessly. I was prepared and ready to join my comrades in Valhalla, when I felt my spirit yanked into some God forsaken cage! Feurir and some lass that claimed to be a protector of some Egyptian King? Lord? I lost interest because she kept rambling about "How she didn't belong here.' If I wanted to hear a woman talk, I would listen to my fair lady..I miss her so.." Dobūrge paused to clear his throat again, "Anyway, it was a witch that out us in the cages, because all of us that were there did not heed the warnings to not step on sacred land. I was winning land for my trope so I took and stepped wherever I deemed was going to be mine, till we all died. There was at least 10 cages from what I was able to see. She said, "For punishment for stepping on the sacred land, we are not allowed to live in our heavens for disturbing the land." So we are forced to live here in the strongest bodies that can inhabit us, women." 

    "Women?" Mark asked.

    "Yes women, Mark. They carry and bare children. They would be best suited to carry another soul. We go down from generation to generation till we all find suitable, strong willed women that can aid us in our fight against the witch. If we kill her we can go back to where we belong."

  Jonathan raised his hand, "What about the people that identify as women?" 

    "And what if the family doesn't have a daughter?" Steven raised his hand as well.

    "Ah yes Steven, if they don't have a girl we then get thrown to the next lonely, strong, suitable host. No matter the age." Dobūrge then turns to Jonathan. "Uh, Sir Jonathan, that was an odd predicament that Feurir was in. He wasn't too sure what to do, but his, I mean her soul was strong. Feurir stayed an aided her till her dying day. And same goes for the vessel if they do not have a child, we just get catapulted to the next host. Like we catapulted fire boulders at the English! Glorious day that was, I got to catapult an English soldier, when I was 13 years of age. It made me the man I am today!" 

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