Chapter 2

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    "Ok ladies, it's 5 O'clock, an hour before rave time! Shall we start our ritual?" said Jonathan with an enthusiastic and wicked grin.

     Jonathan, who now fully changed into a baseball jersey fishnet crop-top, some tight jorts that would make any booty pop. Along with some white knee-high socks, and of course, his favorite bright neon boots.

    "STEVEN HURRY UP!" They all screamed in harmonization.

  Steven stumbling out of his room, rushing towards the kitchen, as he tries to rush in put his shoes on. 

    "You're wearing...That? This is your last rave before your 3rd year of college, and you choose to go out in that?"

   Jonathan's look was telling, it was as if Steven was a book, and Jonathan was reading. (Because reading is... Comment the answer.)  Glaring at Steven from top to bottom, left to right, head to toe. Analyzing every choice that Steven made for every article of clothing.

    "What? What's wrong with what I'm wearing? This is my favorite T-shirt and I've had the best memories made wearing this shirt. And jeans, because they're the best invention. " Steven replied as he twists, turns, and tugs on the cloths he has on.

Victoria slithery walking over to the couple, and places herself in between the two to interrupt the tension and places her right hand on Steven's shoulders.

"Look hun," with a tenderness in her voice.

  Steven being only 5ft 9in, cocking his head back just enough to be able to meet Victoria's six feet tall, soft brown eyes.

    "Steven; just because you're a simple guy, whose life is,"

    "I'm Spanish, Spaniard," Steven interjects.

  Victoria without hesitation just wide blinks and continues without missing a beat or acknowledging the statement.

    "You're dressed like a basic white guy from LA. You can do better." 

Steven stunned. "I'm from Anaheim, so that's," Victoria interrupts him, "And you're in So Cal baby! I'mma need you to not embarrass us by dressing so normal and boring. Put some color in that dress of yours. You know turn up the fun, please?" 

  Steven giggles and shakes his head only to look back up to see Victoria's best attempt at puppy eyes.

    "I'm not going to change," Steven started as he fixes his pasture to show conviction, he looks over at Jennifer. As she too is looking at Steven's direction with pleading eyes, and pouty lips. Steven couldn't help but smile and laugh at best attempts for puppy eyes. "No, I'm sticking to my," and before he could even finish his sentence, Jonathan was now standing in front of him with a whole new outfit picked out for Steven to change into.

    "Where did you? Weren't you just?" Steven with wide eyes and jaw dropped looking stunned and confused.

  Jonathan just looks at Steven with a warm smile and with his own version of puppy eyes.

    "I keep extra clothes on hand just in case I need to liven up your looks." He said with excitement towards Steven.

    "Trust me Stevey. We don't want you ending up the virgin of the group and having to sacrifice you to the rave Gods." Jennifer said as she laced her hand on his arm, to take a closer look at him in his new outfit, Jennifer smirked and walks away. Steven still confused, "But...I'm 23, I'm not a virgin." Victoria shakes him a little. "That's not the point Steven. Point is, you're dressed like one, and I know you've been on a dry spell for quite some time now," 

    "Hey!" Steven blurted.

    "But we can help you fix that. Just put the slutty clothes on, and let your inner slut run free." Victoria smiling and prancing finally finished her rant and seeming very content with her voiced opinions, pinches Steven's cheeks and walks away.

    "...Fine, give it here Jon." Steven taking the biggest breath in annoyance, takes the cloths to change.

  Standing tall, in a black fishnet T-shirt leaving nothing to the imagination of this man's body, and some tight torn jeans. Jonathan hopped out of the couch to helped Steven style his hair, so it wasn't so boring and flat. And knowing Steven's, to make him feel more at home, the finishing touch of his favorite shoes.

     "Call me Zeus, because bitch, I've created Prometheus. Love it! with capital L...Bitch!" Jonathan complimented.

    "Ritual time, Bitches." Jennifer remarked as she came from the kitchen holding two bottles of liquor. One light, one dark. Steven making eye contact with the different color bottles gave a small shiver, Jonathan noticed. (Note from the author: If you pick light, you stick with it throughout the night. If you pick dark, you wake up with Mark. & If you mix the two... good luck, Drink responsibly.)

    "Hey, if ya don't want to, you don't have to. It is completely fine to be the sober friend. You can babysit us through these next two-day raves. Steven gave a rough side-eye.

    "And be sober enough to hear and/or see you guys doing the nasty with people in the big RV we rented? Nah, I'm good without that visual."

  The four of them take their responsible shots. One light, one dark.

    "Besides, with those two being swingers, those other swingers can get really frisky. I rather not remember if one, or however many try to make a move on me," said Steven.

  Jennifer puts the alcohol away, turns around, in a rhythmic fashion, very reminiscent of sport-like fashion. She yells out, "Let's get fucked up on me, let's get fucked up on 3," 

    "1. 2. 3," The other three chime in, matching energies, "Let's, Get, Fucked, Up!"

  A singular clap from all of them at the end, and that concluded the Rave Ritual.

    "Okay, we got both coolers packed right?" asked Victoria to everyone. "Yep." "Yep." "Mhm," everyone responded.

    "Let's get it then," Victoria said as she shimmied up her sparkly, DIY'd sequin paneled pants, pants that went perfectly with her sequin paneled crop top jacket.

  Everyone got in the RV, Victoria, and Jonathan was in the driver and passenger seat. Jennifer and Steven sat in the middle, right before the "bedroom" that was in the back of the RV.

  Steven looked at Jennifer's attire. She's sitting in an almost twin-like fashion, a sequined, long sleeve black shirt and,

    "White pants?" Steven asked as they were headed to a "Desert Rave?" He laughs, "Isn't that a bad thing? And like easy to get dirty?" 

  She laughs in response, "I'll be ok. I have a change of clothes in case we get too down and dirty."

The Killer Rave : Book 1Where stories live. Discover now