Chapter 6 *TW*

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 TW: Slight Gore/Gruesome Deputations 

 Alex panicked at the sight of the four running at him. Alex staggers and proceeds to run Mark and Jonathan cut him right off. Steven and Marii make it to Victoria and stand her up, "Oh, my God Vicky! Are you okay?" Steven asks. "Am I okay? Are YOU okay Steven? You have blood all over your face!" Victoria said in rebuttal. Steen wipes his face with his shirt, "I know, I'll be okay." 

     "We got him!" Mark and Jonathan were walking back to the others holding Alex by the arms, and with his pants around his ankles.

    "Guys why did you pull his pants down?" Marii asked. They both laughed, "No, no, They fell on their own and he tripped on them. That's how we caught this little cutie." Mark said while pinching Alex's cheek.  Alex again, looked down in total defeat. The two practically dragged Alex back. When they reached the door, Alex wouldn't let go of the keys and started crying again. "Look, kid, Alex, I need those keys so I can go," Victoria started to sympathize with Alex. She can see how hurt he was, and that he was going through something. But Alex cut her off by shaking his head. 

    "I can't..I..I..He said he would hurt my sister more if..if..if..I tried to be a hero or let you go...I..I," Alex continued to cry harder. Mark and Jonathan out Alex down. Alex crumpled to the floor weeping, tears flooded the ground beneath him. He couldn't help but let the keys go, Jonathan picked them up and helped Victoria out of the cuffs, Steven stood there with his arms crossed, "I guess having a stutter and crying isn't a good combo, huh?" Marii punched his arm and gave Steven a look that obviously told him to Shut Up. "Sorry." Steven apologized. Victoria knelt down in front of Alex, "Who's gonna hurt your sister? The big tall one?" She asked, Alex didn't pick up his head, he just continued to cry and nodded. 

  The RV began to move, shake and shift in different directions. Alex noticed this when he looked up and began crying more. 

    "I'm sorry, I'm s..s..sorry, I..I didn't want this to h..ha..happen. I..I," Victoria covered his mouth, "It's okay sweetheart," she told him. The others noticed the RV moving more aggressively. "Whh..How's this okay?" Steven asked.

  Victoria didn't turn around to look at the RV once, she just smiled and helped Alex to his feet and put on his pants and brushed the dirt off him. And, from what seemed like a low fled growl came from the RV.

  The RV's door blasted open, a pant-less Peter had swung the door open and he was bleeding from his chest and face from what seemed like claw marks. "ALEEE!" Peter began but got yanked to the back, into the bedroom of the RV.

    "Was that Peter, Alex?" Victoria asked. 

    "Ye..yeah...wha..wha..what was that about?" Alex asked. The RV starts to shake and shift more aggressively, screams and more growls can be heard. The others look at Victoria in need of answers too and in utter confusion. Victoria wraps her arm around Alex and says, "I don't think Peter is gonna be able to hurt anyone, anymore." as she gives him a friendly slap on the chest. "I'll give her like 5 more minutes before I stop her," Victoria says to the group out loud. Steven and Jonathan looked the most confused, then "CRASH", a beaten, bloody body comes flying out of the RV window. "DAN!" Alex screamed. Victoria holds him back from going to him and shakes her head.

  She walks up and opens the RV doors, "Honey? You okay back there? You made quite a mess in here again." 

  Everyone watches as she walks to the back of the RV, everyone still very confused. "Hey Alex, so who's that?" Marii asked, they all walk towards the body, "His name is Dan. I..I..guess you could say he's the brains of" He answered.

    "Well, with those damages, I'm surprised he is still breathing." said Jonathan.

  An arm goes flying out the RV window and lands in front of them. Steven lets out the most high pitched scream the group had ever heard. Steven looks around, clears his throat, "That, um, that was scary...ahem." 

    "That's my arm!" A head pops out of the broken window.

  Everyone but Steven does the same kind of high pitched scream, Steven can't help but laugh.

  Laughter comes from the RV, Victoria pulls the head back inside and shakes her own head. "Ya should see the look on y'all's faces. Come on in, it's safe now." 

  The five of them were very hesitant, but Steven took the first steps inside, that first step was met with a sloshing squish. He slowly looked down to see the floor, leading all the way to the bedroom. "Watch your guys step, it's still, uh, fresh. There's remnants of Peter that lead back here." Victoria said from the bedroom. The other four followed Steven in, Marii holds her shaking hand to Steven's, rather calm hand. Very slowly, and cautiously, they make it to the bedroom to see Jennifer in a full fetal position on Victoria's lap, Victoria was running her hands through the sleeping blood covered Jennifer.

    "How's Dan?" Victoria asked.

    "B..Bre..Breathing." Alex said, "But b..b..barely." 

    "Ahh, he'll be fine."  she waves them off.

  Jennifer then rolls over, revealing her holding Peter's mangled and severed head. Jennifer opens her eyes, slowly, then looks around. She smiles at the sight of her friends, "Hey guys. How's it going? Did I just wake up from a nap?" She looks up to Victoria, "Hey baby, what's on your face?" Jennifer reaches up to touch Victoria's face, covered in blood. She looks down to see the head of Peter in her lap. She freaks out and throws the head across the room, then rushes to the bathroom. Vitoria tries to stop her, but the blood was too slippery, Jennifer shoves Steven and Jonathan out of the way to get into the bathroom. She sees herself covered in blood, she starts to panic and wash the blood off her, "Jen stop, you're gonna.." 

  Jennifer passes out, Mark catches her from falling. Victoria come over, "I got her." she said and takes Jennifer. Mark looks down at his clothes and arms, "Ew.." Mark then washes himself off. 

    "You really let Jenny Jen pass out again?" said a low growled voice. Jennifer is standing up again with a weird handed posture, looking at Victoria. "J..Jen?" Jonathan asked. "Hi Johnny Bonny, looking cute as always." said Jennifer as she turned from Victoria, kinda standing like a dog on its hind legs.

    "Guys this is, Feurir, this is Jennifer's, uh, internal companion." Victoria introduced. 

    "Some people call us," Feurir started.

    "A Familiar!" said what sounded like a grown, 40 year old man coming from Marii. "AHAHA!! I thought there was only one of me in the city!" Marii walks forward to Jennifer. She slams a thunderous hand on the back of Jennifer, so hard it shook the RV. Everyone, even Victoria is standing there, very confused.

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