~18: I want to... ~

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Jisung was going insane. He finally started working again after the incident and everyone, and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE, knew about it. It spread very quickly through the news. Now, every time someone sees him they look at him with looks of pity, he didn't like pity. He was grateful that people cared but sometimes they took it too far. One time he was walking down the streets and someone stopped next to him to give him a ride...... who does that. That day was the worst for him. The guy triggered his memory that day. He remembered how the black car stopped so close to him, just like the guy. He ended up running away, sobbing uncontrollably. Minho didn't let him go to work for two whole days.

As for Minho, his week was just as insane. Stock was back to normal, thanks to Changbin. The company wasn't at stake anymore and he has gotten more employees. The only thing driving him insane is his boyfriend. Jisung hasn't been well lately. And as the good boyfriend he is, he has tried many things to make him laugh or even smile. But people just ruin it. He has tried his best to not get work his top priority but again, stock went back to normal. More buyers kept coming. Even through all of that they have stayed strong together.

Minho came back from work, he was now entering the house. He entered and was hit with a strong smell of food. He smiled and went ahead to the kitchen. He saw Jisung, in front of the stove, staring at the pot containing some soup wile stirring it up. Minho went behind him and hugged him, making Jisung flinch. "Sorry sorry" Minho whispered to him. Jisung relaxed in his arms, forgetting to keep stirring. "today there is soup cause I'm a little tired" "its ok baby, I missed you today~" Jisung smiled "I missed you too" "I love you" "I love you too" "I love you most" the younger giggled and went back to stirring. "go change dinner is almost ready" earning a hum in response from Minho. The older kissed Jisung's nape and let go. He went up to their bedroom to take a quick shower and change. Once he finished he did his skincare and dried his hair. Putting on a hoodie and joggers going back down to the dinner room. He saw the plates already put and  Jisung walking in with a pot of soup. He put it down on the table and brought in some cups and beverage. Minho sat down, Jisung doing it right after, they gave thanks for the food and started to dig in. Making small talk. "how did your day go baby?" Jisung looked up "it went well, more normal. Not a lot of people went to the coffee shop so it was kinda slow today, what about your day?" "Hectic. I was everywhere and anywhere. I had to do a tour of the company for this class that came, I had to sign like thousands of papers. But I like doing my job so it wasn't too bad you know?" "Mhm, I'm glad you enjoy what you do" Minho looked at him concerned "what's wrong baby?" Jisung shook his head "no no its nothing I just- I wish I could do what I love" he smiled sadly at his boyfriend. Because of his parents he never really went to the university of his dreams. He went, instead, to a cheap one that didn't have the courses that he wanted to take, but it was something. That's all he could do for himself since he didn't have supporting parents or money in general. He's always been into teaching. He's always liked kids. See them have fun while playing around with their friends or the girls doing there hair. He loved that. He never got a childhood. So seeing other kids have fun makes him really happy and excited. "what did you want to do?" "I wanted to be a teacher, I've always wanted to be one" Minho put his spoon down and took his phone. Jisung just continued eating, knowing what his boyfriend was doing. Minho then put his phone down "I-" "no, cause I didn't study for it. I didn't go to a well enough university to even know the basics" Jisung caught him off. If he wanted to be a teacher he could do it, but for that you need experience, A diploma and a bunch of other shit. (A/N my mom's a teacher and she sometimes regrets it XD) Minho stayed silent. He wanted to help "what if you start over. And you study where you always wanted to and study what you want to do. I'll help you, and don't say no cause you know I'll help you either way so don't waste that saliva for that" he smirked. Jisung was now probably the color of a strawberry. He hit Minho in the arm and got up to do the dishes. Minho was just laughing his ass off while chasing after the younger.

After teasing each other for almost an hour they decided to watch a movie and rest for the rest of the night. They were very tired, plus tomorrow was a big day for the both, especially Jisung.


Short asf chapter cause I wanted to update really badly. Next chapter is gonna be longer and eventful so look forward to it. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, I have hiccups btw and UGH! Anyways

Bye bye~

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