~11: little slut ~

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                               4 months later~

Jisung and Minho have been avoiding each other now. And its so painfully obvious. Minho is still in love with Jisung, and as for Jisung, well he is still in denial of his feelings. It has been about four months and nothing. They keep ignoring each other, only tiny interactions like when Jisung told the older he was now going to be sleeping in his own room. He moved all his stuff to the room and was now not sleeping at all. Yes he might be living with Minho but he is still afraid, once he closes his eyes he feels hands all over his body. So he just doesn't sleep, but of course Minho doesn't know about that. Jisung has a feeling that if the older finds out he will forget about the tension they both have and make him sleep with him. So that's why he doesn't want him to know.

It was maybe about 3am and Jisung was awake. He was debating whether to go out and take a walk or just stay in bed. He decided to not be lazy and go out. He needed air anyways. He got up and looked for a hoodie and some sneakers. He changed and quietly went downstairs and then out the door. When he was outside he had to jump the fence so he complied. He then started walking around the neighborhood, he was planning on going to the park. He then received a call, so he took his phone and saw Minho's contact ughhhh did he hear me he mentally slapped himself for being loud, after beating himself up mentally he answered the call...

                  'MinMin hyung💕' is calling.....

                            Accept   decline


"Where the hell did you go?"

"I needed to take a walk mom"

"I'm not joking with you Jisung, why didn't you tell me I would've come with you"

"you're not my personal body guard, I can take care of myself"

"ok, then where are you going?"

"I'm going to the park, and I swear if you come pick me up I will kick you"

"fine I won't, but please be careful"

"I will don't worry, anyways I arrived so I'll hang up now"

"ok, bye, be safe"

           Call with 'MinMin hyung💕' has ended

Jisung sighed and put his phone away. He took a seat in a swing and started to swinging on it. He was the only one out, of course, its almost 4am in the morning but either way a few cars passed by, Jisung just figured it was the people who worked early in the morning. He did notice a black car, it kept going around the park, it has been five minutes that he arrived to the park and also ended the call with Minho. I can't believe he came Jisung thought, Minho kept going around the park so Jisung decided to call him. As soon as Minho's phone started ringing the car came to a stop. I knew it was him!



"what do you mean leave?"

"leave the park, I told you I'm fine"

"again, what do you mean"

"wait, you're not in the park right now?"

"no? Jisung are you ok? Is everything ok? Are you safe right now?"

"Ye- hmph"

"Jisung? Jisung!? Jisung I'm not playing around, answer me"

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