~7: oh... my... God... ~

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Jisung's face fell, and of course that didn't go unnoticed by Minho "hey you okay?" Jisung just nodded. Minho didn't buy that so he stopped the car and asked again "Jisung look at me, are you ok?" Jisung looked at him and answered "I don't want to go back home, they will do things and if they see the things you bought me they will call me things" Minho was confused but didn't ask anything. He just nodded and drove to his house. Minho was worried on what the younger was on about suddenly he heard light sniffles beside him "hey hey, why are you crying baby?" "I-I'm s-so-sorr-ry for b-bothering y-you w-w-with m-my p-pro-problems, I'll j-just t-tell y-you m-m-my ad-address" "hey no its ok, if you going home means being in danger than I'm not listening to you, you are not a burden to me ok? I want you to be safe yeah?" By the time he finished talking Jisung was full on sobbing. Minho quickly drove to his house so he could calm Jisung down a little bit.

When they arrived Minho took Jisung to the living room and started telling him sweet nothings to him. Trying his best to calm him down. Jisung calmed down a little bit after a while "I'm sorry for being such a baby" he whispered "hey its ok, I'm a baby sometimes too, do you feel better now? Do you wanna talk about it?" Jisung said that he would feel better with talking about it in the morning (stan Itzy y'all😔✊🏼) Minho agreed and went to guide Jisung to a guest bedroom.

Jisung took a nice relaxing bath. Thinking about his fun day with Minho and completely shutting out his shitty life. He cried a little thinking about how bad his life was. Out of all the people in the world, the universe decided to pick me to break... He thought.

After the bath he went back to his guest bedroom and texted Minho

Minho hyung, I don't
have any comfortable
clothes to wear >.<

MinMin hyung💕:
If you wanna wear
my clothes just say
so bby😏


MinMin hyung💕:
Okok princess no need
to scream, unless... 😏

Could you stop with the
thirst texts like its getting

MinMin hyung💕:
Ye you're right, I'll
be right there with
the clothes :)


After a few minutes Minho knocked on the door and Jisung opened it, not completely, but just enough to reach for the clothing "Thank you Minho hyung" "ok, no problem" Jisung went to change quickly and then called Minho to the room.

"you called?"

"Uh, yeah I can't really sleep alone... " Jisung replied shyly. It was true Jisung hardly slept. Why? Well because of his so called father. His dad did something horrible to him when he was just 11 years old. He could never forget that day, its like it was imprinted in his mind. And that wasn't the only time he did those things. It kept happening whenever his dad got drunk or fought with his so called mother. He then learned to never ever let his guard down. So he decided to not sleep, he was scared that if he fell asleep his dad was gonna do things to him. So to avoid that, he would stay up to watch the stars from his window or draw stuff. "Oh, um well you can come with me to my room, if you want" Jisung nodded and got up to follow Minho to his bedroom. They went in and awkwardly sat on the bed "well um you wanna sleep now or watch a movie" "lets watch 'Frozen ll'!" "ok" Minho chuckled and looked for Disney+ to put Frozen ll.

They were halfway through the movie when Minho felt something on his lap. He looked down and saw a sleeping Jisung there. He smiled warmly and turned off the TV. He shifted to a more comfortable position with Jisung in his arms still. After finding the right position he slowly closed his eyes until he fell asleep.

Both cuddling and slightly smiling ~

(Lets play pretend together and pretend that both are boys 😌)

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(Lets play pretend together and pretend that both are boys 😌)


I hope y'all enjoyed the triple update, I think that for the next chapter I will be writing for the Jeongchan couple 😊 so yeah, anyways

Bye bye~                                                            

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