~3: felt my heart in my ass~

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Jisung's POV:

My eyes widened and I swore my heart skipped a beat. My father was standing right there, waiting to order something. I was shaking and my breathing was picking. I felt my heart in my ass when we made eye contact. I nervously made my way to the cashier to take his order. Felix and Jeongin got out of the way and went to a random table to chat. Leaving me and my dad alone, well not completely but enough for him to whisper something to me. "H-hello and g-good evening, what m-may I -I get for you t-ton-tonight?" "I will have an iced americano (joha~ joha~) with a red velvet muffin, make it quick" he said sternly. I nodded and took his order. I was about to tell him his total when he cuts me off saying "what, no family discount, pup?" He said that with a smirk, a smirk I so badly wanted to slap away. Its seemed as if Jeongin heard because I was about to take out my money to pay and again Jeongin interrupts me. "Excuse me sir, I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid that you'll have to leave right now." My dad glared at my best friend and looked back at me screaming "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? SUCH BAD COSTUMER SERVICE YOU HAVE HERE, YOU KNOW WHAT FORGET MY ORDER. I'M LEAVING!!" with that he left the shop cursing and flapping his arms around like a madman. When he was out of sight I violently started shaking and hit the ground, suddenly everything went back.

No ones POV:

Jisung could hear faint calls for him when suddenly he shot up from the floor to meet a crying Jeongin and a very distressed and scared Felix. He almost immediately went to hug Jeongin, wrapping his arms around the boys waist. Jeongin started calming down about five minutes later. Where only faint sniffles were heard from him. He looked up to his hyung and in his eyes Jisung could tell that he had so many questions. So he motioned Felix to help him up and lead Innie to one of the tables. After Jisung fainted Jeongin had told Felix to lock the front doors.

When the boys sat down, Jisung took a deep breath and started telling Jeongin and Felix everything. Even tho he only had met Felix that day, he felt as if he had been his bestfriend since forever, so he didn't mind telling him too. By the time he finished, Jeongin was balling his eyes out. Jisung and Felix tried to calm him down but nothing seemed to work. So Felix, knowing everything now, told Jisung to stay at his for the night, and as long as he needed, and to help him take Jeongin to his car to take him too. The whole entire ride was Jeongin crying and yelling 'why didn't you tell me hyung' to Jisung and the said boy felt horrible for making Innie feel bad when it wasn't even his fault. The latter didn't even know ffs.

Felix lived in an apartment with a roommate. Hyunjin. They have lived together for like three years already? Idk, anyways. His parents told him to go live on his own. His parents absolutely love and adore Felix, but they wanted what was good for him, therefore they had to confront Felix to go make his own life just like they did. So Felix did just that. He went out and found an apartment who he had to share with another boy, who is also rich like him. (I actually didn't mention Hyunjin being rich, but yeah he is) They got along just fine actually, Hyunjin has a dog named Kkami who, he says, he is married to.

The guys arrived to Felix's 'simple' apartment, as the said boy stated. "THEIR IS NOTHING 'SIMPLE' ABOUT THIS APARTMENT YOU TWAT" Jisung yelled which made Jeongin finally crack a chuckle and Felix laugh out loud. "yeah ok, anyways welcome to my humble, non simple apartment!" Felix introduced.

(Boi🐿 what 🐿the 🐿hell 🐿boi)

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(Boi🐿 what 🐿the 🐿hell 🐿boi)

Both boys were in awe when they got a good look at Felix's home. It was big inside but so cozy. Jisung felt safe here. Like nothing or anyone could hurt him. Suddenly a loud 'fuck' was heard from upstairs. Felix started to blush and ran up the stairs with Jeongin smirking and running behind him, Jisung following Innie. They entered a bedroom where a tall prince looking boy was standing with papers everywhere around him and his floor. He looked up and was embarrassed. Felix was a blushing mess. And Jisung and Jeongin were now smirking at the situation. It looked like Hyunjin was cleaning up........ without a shirt on, sweat dripping from his forehead and marked abs.


Ok, this chapter was shorter than the last one but I swear it gets better. I am working on the next chapter, as soon as I write it I will post it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

So for now....

Bye bye~

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