~10: I promise ~

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It was time for dinner with Minho's parents and Jisung was nervous. He had to act all high class because of them, I mean Minho didn't ask him to, he just thinks that that's the least he can do instead of making a fool of himself. They were getting ready in Minho's room. They were talking about how it was gonna go in dinner and what to say and not say. "Ok so, if they ask me why I'm staying here, what do I say?" "I honestly don't know. Maybe say we reunited after we separated in high school or something like that" Jisung nodded and continued doing his make up, nothing to extravagant just simple blush and a little bit of lip gloss.

On their way to dinner ~

They were now in the car, listening to old people music. Jisung was getting irritated with the song so he bent over to change it. Minho saw the action and slapped his hand away "what the f- heck, I don't like that song" "well I do" "and I don't care" "and its my car" Jisung just huffed in defeat. Minho smiled at the boys child behavior, he extended his arm and changed the station to a kpop one, the song that was playing was 'dance the night away' by Twice, also Jisung's favorite. He side glanced at the younger and saw him slightly smiling. Minho was proud of himself for making his baby smile. He was planning in confessing soon. He was sure the younger liked him back. They would sleep cuddling, Jisung acted so domestic with him he was so sure that the other liked him too, and would definitely say yes. He just had to find the right time. They arrived at the restaurant and so got out of the car. Minho went over and opened the door for Jisung. He thanked him and they walked over to the entrance. Minho went over to the cashier and told her about the reservation they had made. After sorting it out they were guided to a private room. There they were received by two elders. They were very warm towards Jisung and of course Minho.

After ordering the food arrived rather faster than Jisung expected, but of course it would, the restaurant had the most famous and richest family in South Korea. "so tell us a bit more of you dear, and may we ask why you are staying with our minmin" "I told you not to call me that" "and we are your parents, now don't be rude and let your friend speak, go ahead dear" Jisung let out an airy laugh and began to speak "well I'm Han Jisung, I'm 21 years old and studied music. And I'm with Minho hyung because we finally met up after a long time" he smiled finishing his explanation "you and Minho knew each other?" Jisung nodded and smiled "weird, he never mentioned a Jisung to us, he did once but that was different, his name was Park Jisung and he was Minho's ex so I'm sure its not you" Jisung looked at Minho but still managed to answer "oh that's definitely not me, we were close in high school but not to the point we would tell our parents, not that that's wrong or anything" Jisung began to blabber so he stopped talking. They continued on talking ad eating until Minho's father spoke up "ok so Minho, the reason we called was because we wanted to ask you about something very important" Minho nodded to them so they could continue "ok dear, please don't get mad with us, but we think this is the best for you. We made a proposal to the Kim's and they would be more than happy if-" "No." Minho interrupted and stood up, he took Jisung's arm and started to walk out the room. His parents didn't even try to stop him, they knew that was gonna be his answer and reaction.

To say Jisung was a little taken aback was an understatement, he was also very nervous because Minho was not talking at all and he looked furious, he was also speeding through the streets which was very dangerous so Jisung took that as an excuse to start talking "Minho I get that you're mad but please slow down, we could crash, especially since the street is wet" like if Jisung's voice was magic, Minho slowed down. But he kept getting slower and slower "I didn't mean this slow- oh" they had parked in the side lines of the main street they were at "I'm sorry, its just I'm mad they would even ask me that, I mean they know how I feel with those types of things" Minho said, his voice cracking a little and you could see the gloss of tears in his eyes "hey its ok you don't have to cry, just talk to me yeah" "they were going to ask if I wanted to marry the Kim's daughter" Jisung's eyes widened "but didn't they say you had a boyfriend" Minho nodded "yeah, that's why I'm mad at them, they know I don't like girls yet they think that I would be ok marrying one, one that likes me in that way, I can't just marry someone I don't like, that would make me feel horrible about myself" Jisung understood what the other meant, he didn't want to use someone who really was in love with him for the companies sake, that just showed how kind and caring the older was. If Jisung was doubting about staying with Minho he sure wasn't now. "Its ok maybe you can call them and tell them that, I'm sure they would understand they seem so sweet" Minho wiped the few tears that fell and took his phone to call his parents.

"Oh baby, are you alright, we are so sorry for what we did. We understand if you do not want to"

"I'm sorry, but I don't, I don't want to use her for the companies sake, you two know she likes me why would you even suggest this" Minho said, getting angry. Like if Jisung sensed it, he took the olders hand and interlocked their fingers, it sure calmed Minho down a bit.

"we totally understand that baby, you don't have to worry about that, we already informed the Kim's and cancelled the deal"

"thank you, I really do feel sorry for lashing out like that" Minho apologized "don't worry honey, now we will hang up, you are driving" Minho smiled and nodded forgetting that they couldn't see "ok, goodnight I love you both" "we love you more dear, goodnight" they hung up and Minho felt a lot better. Only to frown once he heard the little sniffle "why are you crying baby" "its just that I wish my parents were like that with me, I don't even know what went wrong" Minho hugged the boy tightly, understanding what the younger felt. "Don't worry, I'm here now and I promise I will love you forever" Jisung nodded and quickly pushed the other away. Minho didn't understand why the younger reacted that way, maybe he wasn't ready to hear that just yet "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it that way, I mean I'll be here for you" it hurt Minho. At least now he didn't have to worry about an embarrassing confession. Jisung gave him his answer here and now. "Oh, well thank you" another crack was heard from Minho's heart, Jisung went back to hugging the other boy. Minho felt like screaming. He was so sure the younger liked him back, he was sure he felt the electricity whenever they made skin to skin contact, but he thought wrong, he was the only who felt that way. Not the younger. He felt stupid. They broke the hug and Minho began to drive to their house.

The drive was silent, only soft music playing and Jisung's soft humming to the beat. They arrived to the residence and went in the house. They got ready for bed but something was off

I can't believe I did that to him Jisung thought.

I can't believe I let myself fall for someone who doesn't even like me back Minho thought.

They weren't cuddling, in the contrary, they were keeping their distance. No longer wanting the closeness. It was hard for Jisung because he hadn't accepted that he actually did fall. And it was for Minho because he didn't want to do something he was going to deeply regret.

They both knew better, or so they think, and decided to do something as stupid as them.


I hope you liked the chapter, pls vote and comment on your thoughts, idek why you would cry with this (what I said in my last a/n) so yeah ignore I even said that, I mean if you did feel sad then YAY! but yeah Anyways

Bye bye~

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