Chapter X: Damien's Revenge

Start from the beginning

Eluan: Hmm, then you already know what life is like in most places. I think you deserved it.

Damien: Thank you in a small part. But because of you, I couldn't live with my real parents! I couldn't know my real parents because of you! I couldn't have a normal life,! But now it's time...TO TAKE REVENGE!!!

Then Damien immediately took the knife out of his pocket and tried to stab Eluan, but he tore open his straitjacket, feeling his arms. Avoided the knife then took it out of Damien's hand and cut the boy's right arm with it. So Damien beat Eluan on the face and then ran out of the cell, but unfortunately forgot to close the door, so Eluan went out of his cell and ran to Damien.

Damien came out of the asylum and wanted to run away, but Eluan stabbed him with the knife from behind, causing Damien to collapse on the ground.

Eluan: You're just like your father! He wanted to attack me, too! And just like him, you are a idiotic fool! And now I'm going to do what I should have done...15 YEARS AGO!

Then Eluan roughly kicked and beat Damien until Jim and Jeremiah arrived.

Jim: Stop it now, Eluan! And leave him alone!

Eluan: Fine!

Eluan noticed the doctors and the asylum guards running to him and thought they wanted to take him back to the asylum. But he didn't let that happen.

Eluan: Goodbye, Hawkins!

Eluan took his magical blue dice and then teleported himself and disappeared.

(Yes, Eluan has an ability to teleport himself and his soldiers and ships)

Jim and Jeremiah immediately ran to Damien who had lost consciousness due to the many beatings.

Later, Damien woke up in his bed and noticed that his right arm was tied up. Athena, Ariel, Melody, Jim and Jeremiah and were by his bed looking at Damien with an angry face.

Damien: What?

Jeremiah: What?! [angry] WHAT?! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID?!

Jim: [angry] Damien, you have an idea of who you released?!

Damien: Yes, Eluan Frollo, also know as Black Death!

Jeremiah: And you have an idea of how dangerous that man is?!

Damien: Yes. I could already see it in his eyes!

Melody: But why did you go there?

Damien began to tear.

Damien: Why? [angry] WHY?! Fine! I'll tell you!

Damien told everyone that on night of the Day of the Dead, he was visited by the spirits of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann and showed him the truth about who he was. And in the meantime they were all shocked.

Athena: So Eluan threw you into the sea and that's how you got out to that dock?

Damien: Yes.

Jim: And you are

Damien: Yes.

Jim: [sigh] Eluan seems to have torn us both away from our family.

Damien: Yes. [sigh] Unfortunately.

Melody: Then your full name is Damien Turner?

Damien: Yes. [gasp] Wait! Jim, you know my parents? Tell me what happened to them.

Jim: I'm sorry, Damien. But I've heard from them a long time ago, unfortunately I didn't really know them. I'm really, really sorry.

Damien: [sigh] No problem, Jim. I realize it was a very big mistake. But now that think about it, I was as angry as if I didn't know what I was doing.

Ariel: Yes, I know what you mean. Sometimes someone will be so angry that they don't even know what they're doing. I'm sorry to have to say this, but it's like someone gets drunk and has an ebullition of anger.

Damien: Well...[sigh] maybe I had these too.

After this conversation, Ariel, Melody, Jim and Jeremiah were done, and they left the room. Only Damien and Athena remained in the room.

Damien: Mom, listen. I'm so sorry I lied. I just didn't want you to come with me because I knew if you came with me, Eluan would have done terrible to you. I don't want something horrible to happen to you...because...I love you....and I want to protect you! And whatever happened, no matter how horrible things I went through, I am glad to be here and that you are my mother!

Athena smiled.

Athena: I'm glad too, that you're my son! I don't even know what to do without you!

Damien: I'm so sorry, Mom!

Athena: Do not be afraid. I forgive.

Then Athena hugged Damien.
Damien began to cry.

Damien: [crying] I'!

Athena: Shhh!
🎶Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry🎶

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