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Ever since Queen Athena returned from the dead. And like Ariel, she wanted to know as much as she could about the human world.

Interestingly, since she is a mermaid, the magic works for her too, that if she go ashore she becomes a human. That way she could look around Athena in Tirulia.

And since she returned, Athena has become very famous. Because every human/people learned that she had returned from death. This news spread throughout Denmark, then in Europe, and finally atound the world.

 This news spread throughout Denmark, then in Europe, and finally atound the world

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But here's another story.

March 10, 1841

It happened at the time when Melody was 1 and half years old, and Ariel was hiding her past from Melody.

At the dawn of that day, a young woman was walking home from somewhere at the dock when she heard a baby crying.
The woman went in the direction of the voice and found a basket on the water that contained a two-month-old baby.

Woman: [gasp] Oh my God! What happened to you?

The woman took the basket out of the water and the baby with it. The baby cries.

Woman: Shh! Do not be afraid. I'm here. I will protect you.

The woman was determined to raise the baby.

Woman: What should be your name?

The woman looked at the basket and noticed that it had a name and a date of birth on it. I was on it:

"Damien ######, December 5, 1840"

Woman: Hmmm. Then let your name be...Damien.

The woman took the little Damien home with her.

The Little Mermaid: Athena and DamienWhere stories live. Discover now