Chapter III 1/3: Damien's Desires

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June 15, 1856

On this day when it was lunch time, Ariel told Damien, Athena and Harmony what adventures she had. After finished telling her adventures, Damien told her that:

Damien: Wow, Ariel! You really had amazing adventures in Atlantica!

Ariel: Thank you so much, Damien!

Damien: I also don't want to have no music for 10 years because it's a pleasure for me!

Ariel: I agree with you.

Damien: Thanks. But in one this I disagree with you. In that you hid your past from Melody 12 years! You hid from her maternal side who she was! And that you didn't let her near the sea!

Ariel: I know, I know! It was a very bad mistake! I realize I did wrong then. I just wanted to protect Melody from Morgana.

Damien: I agree with this word: "protection". Because every mother wants to protect her child. But that's the past, and it's happened.

Ariel: Thank you for your understanding. But now let's talk about you. What is your desire? What is your biggest dream?

Damien: My biggest dream? Well,... I have two big dreams. One I've talked about last time is for my real parents to find me. I'd rather talk about my other biggest dream, which is to get on a ship and explore the world.

Athena: Hmm! Interesting! Continue!

Damien: I would visit many countries and experience at least thousand and one adventures. I would visit, for example: America, Egypt, China, England, Greece, France, Russia and so on. And I could even visit Catherine in Germany. So all this would be great!

Athena: Wait a minute! You're talking about the princess you invited to dance at the ball?

Damien: Yes. Why?

Athena: Because this is amazing! And her?

Damien: Well...something's going on between us. But yes. I love her. She is so beautiful!

Harmony: [laugh] 🎶Damien in love! Damien in love!🎶

Damien: [giggle] Yes, Harmony. I in love!

Then they all continued their lunch.

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