Jungkook started the car as I sighed . I was basically laying on Jennie's shoulder while Jennie who was already finished treating me was looking at me rather teary

 I was basically laying on Jennie's shoulder while Jennie who was already finished treating me was looking at me rather teary

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"Jennie . why are you crying ?Shouldn't I be the one crying ? I am the one hurt here "I asked laughing at the end as Jennie glared at me . 
"How can you laugh at the moment ?You're life is at the risk now .You can die out of blood loose " Jennie almost shouted .I smiled . This girl can sometimes be this fiery !That was first!! 
" I've lived too long anyway . Even if I managed to survive I'll die eventually " I said shrugging my  shoulders causing pain to myself .I groaned slightly in pain received due to the movement of my injured shoulder . 
"Unnie You !! Don't move "Jennie glanced at me worried.
"It's fine . ugh" I started coughing violently   . I covered my mouth with hand to stop them seeing me cough blood . But the blood seeped passed through my fingers as Jennie looked at bewildered and  trepidation . My head struck with pain as I started coughing  widely. Oh God ! I haven't had the medicine for one and half months .Ugh !This stupid heart . Why can't you just stop working and stop giving me this pain .
"Unnie you are coughing out so much "Jennie said holding me steadily .
"Jungkook drive faster" Taehyung yelled as Jungkook increased the speed.

"Jungkook drive faster" Taehyung yelled as Jungkook increased the speed

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"Just drive don't care about the speed limit .I'll take care of those police later " Jimin informed as I smiled . They are worried for me . How lucky am I ?But I am not worth of their worries . 
"Night Blood  Hospital . Take me there . Solar is there " I spoke as Jennie nodded . 
"But why the heck are you coughing up blood ? Unnie tell me the truth . Do you have any other health problems" Jennie asked calculative as I softly sighed . 
"It's no use in saying " I spoke my vision getting blurred as Jennie started shaking my body .She was asking me to stay awake while tapping my cheeks continuously. There is no use . I lost hope in everything .

Was I going to die like this ?Maybe I deserved this  , I killed ,backstabbed ,became a traitor and lied to the whole world

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Was I going to die like this ?Maybe I deserved this  , I killed ,backstabbed ,became a traitor and lied to the whole world . Maybe this is what punishment the destiny gave me for ruining many lives .But I never had a choices to chooses and never got to live my life like I wanted . What a pity , the young elegant CEO of Black Rose dying in such a young age . I didn't even got to love anyone . I was born by mistake not love maybe that's why life as become like this .To the point I myself wanted to kill me . Well, I was the one who choose this path of death .The only options I ever got in life . I can no longer hold this burden and live in regret and sorrow .

If only I had never ever had been born . 


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