"O-oh.." (Y/n) noticed his presence beside her and eyed him up and down, "how did you.. You're not invited-"

"He told me my memories aren't real.." He cuts her off. 

Zeke slowly turns his head towards her with an enervated face, "My dad just told me that.. Is that what you think too ?"


"You can't even give me a straight answer to my question, can you ?"

The aura within (Y/n) changes. She has a bad feeling about this, judging by Zeke's sudden words and appearance, something must've happened. While they're still stuck inside the thick and tense atmosphere, the master of the ceremony that handles the show begins to speak up again.

"Alright then ! Introducing our special guest for this evening, Ms. Lara Tybur, who is also a professional model, here we go !"

Those golden lights on the stage suddenly turn into a shade of blood red.

"Does that mean my memories are all wrong ?" Zeke attempts to get an answer from (Y/n) again.

Yet, she ignores him, her eyes are somewhat focused on the model who's performing on the stage.

"Sometimes.." He proceeds, "I dream about my childhood.."

The more she watches the model on the stage along with those bright red lights, the more her head feels like spinning.

"..which I can't quite understand. Did I really go through it..? That night..?" Zeke asks again.

However Zeke's words never reach her ears. One by one, flashes of her mom's death begin to appear inside her mind. As a part of the show, Lara Tybur holds a fake gun, she then twirls on the stage, swaying her body left and right as the music goes on.


'BANG !'

Blood splattered from her head as (Y/n)'s mother fell limp on the streets, just a few meters from her home. At the same time, the booming sound of the thunder fell from the sky as if laughing at the little girl.

"M-mom..? Mom ! MOMMM !!!!"


(Y/n)'s eyelids begin to feel heavy.

"If my dreams are true..."

The sound of the thunder echoed inside her head, (Y/n) suddenly winces in pain upon the sudden rush of memories that go through her head all of the sudden.

'Shut up... shut up... shut up !!'


*BOOM !*

Thunderclap echoed in the air, sending a shock through (Y/n)'s veins. Bad memories began to rush inside her head as a whimper escaped her mouth. Was her brave actions earlier just for a show ? No. (Y/n)'s not like that. It's just.. Thunder, lightning.. are something that she had difficulty to overcome.

A pair of steel blue eyes stole glances at the quivering girl.

The fearless looking little girl had turned into a vulnerable one just in one strike of thunder in the middle of the thunderstorm.


With a sharp gasp, (Y/n) stands from her seat abruptly with both hands planted to the table to support and balance her body. With all the things going on inside her head, the secretary has no strength to steady her trembling body.

Zeke notices her sudden movement, he questioningly looks at her.

Her chest heaves up and down in a rapid motion, (Y/n)'s eyes are still glued to the model up on the stage, which reminds her a lot of a dark part of her past that became her source of fear. Her skin went paler as each second passed. After mustering all the strength she had left, the woman manages to croak out her last words.

"I remember now.."

And then everything turns black for (Y/n).

Zeke's eyes widened as he witnessed (Y/n) fainted to the floor, unmoving. He quickly crouches down, shaking her shoulders in an attempt to wake her up, "(Y/n) ? Wake up ! (Y/n) ! (Y/n) (L/n) !!"

A sudden force on Zeke's ribcage sends him flying a few inches away from the woman.

Another man has kneeled on the floor, not caring about the dirt or dust that may dirty his trousers. The steel blue eyed man cradles the love of his life in his arms as his hands find their way around (Y/n)'s limp body, examining her unconscious state, "Ms. (L/n), can you hear me ? Ms. (L/n) ? Oi brat !" Worry surges through Levi's veins. He carefully cups her cheek, it feels.. cold. Levi turns a blind eye to his surroundings, not even aware that Hanji and Moblit have rushed to their aid with some medical help.

The vice president wouldn't stop calling out for her name, hoping that she would open her eyes and ensure him everything's okay. 

"(Y/n) (L/n) !!" 

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