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"ALICE!" Tristan shouted.

Alice turned away from her bedroom window, to find her friend smiling at her broadly. "Let me guess," She began. "You have finally gotten your dream job!"

Tristan chuckled. "You got it, Ali!"

Alice scrunched her nose. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Ali? It sounds as if I am a boy!"

Tristan eyed her. "And how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Tristy? It sounds as if I am a girl, with ribbons on two ponytails!"

Alice gave a smirk. "Well, looks like neither of us is changing then!" She observed. 

Tristan grinned. The morning sun made his blond hair almost look golden.

Alice looked at him thoughtfully. "I am still trying to figure out, why on earth is being a driver your dream job?"

Tristan looked hurt. "A driver?" He faked surprise. "More like a young prince, who gets to drive expensive cars on a daily basis." He whistled. "Man, those guys own a king's fortune!"

Alice perked up. "Think you could show me where you work?" She asked hopefully.

Tristan's brown eyes shone with excitement. "Well then Vincent, be ready to see a whole new world!" He paused. "Do you think your mother would allow you to come?"

Alice gave him a steady look. Sophie Vincent was a little possessive over Alice, but she never seemed to mind Tristan, which was perhaps why he was Alice's only friend.

"If it's you I'm going with," Alice began. "She would even agree to send me to hell!"

Tristan shook his head. "I would never take you to hell, Vincent! Trust your childhood friend." He said, suddenly all serious.

Alice could not help but smile. "Of course, I trust you!" She said, ruffling his hair. It felt so soft in her hands. Tristan smiled. Alice slowly drew back her hand, and gazed at him lovingly.

If it were any other boy, Alice supposed he would've been furious that she spoiled his hair. Tristan though, hardly got furious or offended. He was as calm as the sea, but sometimes, even a sea had tides which could destroy everything. Maybe if pushed too much, Tristan was also capable of ruining things. Alice shivered with the thought. She liked Tristan calm, she decided.

Despite being the same age as her, Tristan was really mature and understanding. After all, it was why Alice loved him. Tristan was so easy to talk to. He always seemed to sense her moods, without her having to say anything. He could always make her laugh, whenever she was upset with the fact that her mother pretended like she did not exist.

After Alice's father had died in that tragic car accident, her mother had transformed into a completely different person. The warm, caring, and loving Sophie, had been replaced with a cold, careless, and lost mother. Alice sometimes felt as if she had lost both her parents that day.

Alice had been very small when her father had died, only six. All she remembered was that one day she had woken up to the news that her father had died, and everything had changed since then. Sophie fought the grief by spending the whole day, sometimes even nights, at their local flower shop.

Alice had almost gone mad with all the sorrow and loneliness she felt, and that was exactly when Tristan had entered her life. He had always been there whenever she needed him.

Alice had met him at school, but she could not remember exactly how. When she had asked Tristan if he remembered, he had shrugged and said they were too small to. Still, it sometimes did unnerve Alice that she could not remember how she had met her best friend.

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