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"You are lucky she is fine," Said Mike, indicating Alice with his finger, without looking away from Knave's face. "Or else...,"

Knave cut him off. "We have already been through this. I know you would kill me in an inhuman way!" He said, sounding bored.

"Mike, I am perfectly okay!" Began Alice. "I am sure there is no need for you to kill Knave," She paused. "At least, not on this matter!"

Knave stared at her in disbelief. "What exactly are you trying to say, Miss Alice?"

Before Alice could reply, Charlie said, "She means, we can kill you if you rant about yourself again!" He looked at Alice and smiled. "Am I right, sister?"

Alice smiled back. "Absolutely!" Knave muttered something under his breath. "What?" Asked Alice, straining her ears to hear him.

"Nothing!" Knave replied, returning his full attention to the chocolate in his hands.

They were gathered in the kitchen for a midnight snack, which was quite essential given how Alice was feeling at the moment.

Her mother had arrived a half hour ago, looking wan and dreadful. The only words Sophie had uttered were, 'Good night dear!' before she had slammed her bedroom door shut, leaving Alice looking after her in confusion and worry.

 The twins had arrived sometime later, and looking at her mood, had suggested for snacks to cheer Alice up.

So here they were, munching chocolate in the middle of the night. The two girls sitting across from three boys, two of whom were looking forward to kill the third mercilessly.

Her ghost squad did not have much of an appetite for food, but apparently, even ghosts could not resist chocolates.

Charlie wedged a chocolate bar between his teeth. "So Alice," He began, with his mouth full. "I was wondering, how exactly did you free MR annoying- self-obsessed- not ghost dude?" He asked.

If Knave was offended, he did not show it. He studied the chips packet laying in front of him with such intensity, as if it held the answers to all his questions.

Alice sighed. "I don't know!" She replied honestly. "It was as if I was just taken by a sudden impulse the whole time!" 

Mike, the only one who did not seem to be focused on the snacks laid in front of him, looked at her thoughtfully, his brows furrowing. "Perhaps you can do more than just see ghosts." He mused.

"Can you, Alice?" Asked Maria curiously. She had been sitting so quietly next to her, that Alice had almost forgotten she was there.

"Maybe?" Replied Alice unsurely. 

Maria seemed to be scanning her face, as if searching for something. Alice was not quite sure of what.

Knave leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "How many ghosts have you encountered so far?" He asked, looking at Alice intensely.

"Umm.., quite a few!" Alice replied. The question stirred a very vivid memory. She turned to Charlie in excitement. "Do you remember that night, when those ghosts chased us outside of that crazy hospital?" She asked.

"WHAT?" Shouted Mike and Maria at the same time. Both looked horrified.

Too late did Alice realize, that Mike and Maria had not known anything about the incident, since she and Charlie had snuck out that day for some 'fun', with the excuse of going for a walk.

Mike looked from Alice to Charlie, who looked like he were sick, then back to her. "Care to explain the details?" He asked, and Alice knew that he was trying really hard to not burst out at both of them.

Maria had her head in her hands. Knave looked highly entertained. He finally opened the bag of chips, took some in his hands, and then ate it. He watched all of them with a smile, slowly chewing. Alice wished he would just bite his tongue.

"Nothing happened!" Charlie pointed out, not meeting his brother's angry eyes. Behind all that anger, Alice could see the worry and care that was there for both, her and Charlie.

"But it could have!" Shouted Mike, in a penetrating voice. Alice felt thankful that her mother could not hear him.

"But it did not! Mike, we are okay." Said Alice, in a small voice.

"Was there a fight?" Asked Knave, sounding curious.

Charlie perked up. "Oh, a big one! This one ghost blew out the fuse, and then the other was on top of me, pinning me to the ground, while the other one sent a whole burst of flame towards Alice. She ducked, and then...," He broke off, looking from Alice's warning face, to Mike and Maria's shocked one.

"Go on!" Knave prompted. Charlie looked at him murderously.

Quickly, Alice said, "But we did help some ghosts, who then returned the favour by helping us escape!"

Charlie nodded. "Exactly! Escape safe and sound." He chimed in, looking at Mike as he said the words, 'safe and sound.'

Maria jerked in her chair. Alice looked at her with concern. "How did you help the ghosts there?" Maria asked impatiently.

Alice shrugged. "They just wanted me and Charlie to spend some time with them! They said that was the only help they needed." She finished.

Maria looked as if she had just realized something, and Alice was not sure if it were good. "They wanted to spend time with you, not Charlie!" Maria informed.

"What are you trying to say, Maria?" Asked Mike.

"How long ago was this? Asked Maria, ignoring his question.

"Two or three years back? I am not sure." Replied Alice. "Why?" She demanded.

Maria put her head in her hands again. She suddenly looked very tired. Then, she looked up. "I have read somewhere, that there are some people in this world who can give ghosts powers." She replied. Alice was stunned. Even Knave looked serious.

"And you think I am one of them?" Asked Alice, in a shaky voice. Maria nodded.

"But don't we already have powers?" Asked Charlie.

"Exactly! All ghosts have powers." Added Mike.

Maria nodded. "Indeed they do! But you see, over time the people who have remained ghosts for too long, find their powers grow weak." She said.

"And what, Miss Alice is some kind of energy drink for ghosts?" Asked Knave.

Maria looked unsure. "I am just trying to make sense of things." She looked at Alice. "So far you can see ghosts and talk to them, perhaps even free them. Maybe, you can also restore their powers!" She observed.

"I am not sure I would've used the word, restore!" Began Charlie. "Girl of power sounds cool, even, Energy Giver!" He suggested.

"I am not a sun, Charlie!" Alice pointed out.

Charlie said something in response, but Alice barely heard him. Her head was spinning, what was it Mendaline had said? 

'You have the power to do things no one could manage to do!'

What if this was what Alice was meant for? Helping souls who nobody could hear or see. Maybe she also had the power to set them free. Was this what she was destined to do?

"I can literally see those gears turning in your head." Said Knave, breaking her thoughts. "And given how much I know you, the thoughts you are having are probably crazy!"

"Knave, do shut up!" Snapped Alice. Though he was right. The idea that was slowly forming in her head, was crazy.

Alice knew what she had to do, but not yet. She was really tired, and she couldn't bear to take risks.

Alice looked around at her friends. "I am quite exhausted!" She announced. "Can we call it a night?" 

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