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Wanda's POV-

"But what is grief, if not love preserving?"

Tears spilled from my eyes I pulled Billy and Tommy into my arms. I held them close to my chest my heart beating heavily. 

"How the hell did they get here?" Agatha questioned seeing the boys.

"I don't know and I don't care," I sniffled.

"What's going on?" Sylvie groaned as she sat up in bed.

"My boys are back home," I smiled as Billy and Tommy smiled back at me.

A smile of pure happiness across her lips as she watched our interactions with each other. But her smile quickly dropped for a split second before just staying in a neutral state.

"We've missed you so much mom," Tommy mumbled into my shirt as his hug grew tighter around me.

"I know baby, I know. I've missed you both so very much," I cried softly.

"Where's dad?" Billy asked looking up at me.

"He's not here anymore," I gulped. "But family is forever. And I will never, ever leave either of you again. Nothing in this world will ever separate me from you guys ever again."

I pulled them back into my arms and meet eye contact with Agnes who didn't seem to be on board with me keeping my boys. Much how they even got here, to begin with.

Third Person POV-

Meanwhile, in Louisiana Sam and Bucky were fixing up his boat. In the little shared time, the duo has grown close with each other setting their differences to the side. Of course, they still argued like a married couple but they considered themselves coworkers.

Walker has stripped away from the Captain America title and taken away his ranking in the military. The loss of his friend Lamar clouded him in grief but he only felt one thing out of the stages of grief.


After the killing of her friend Nico, Karli was drowning in wanting revenge. Wanted nothing else but to make the government pay for kicking them out of their new homes and for not doing more for people in the camps. Having Sam by her side would've been a great support system for her but she felt more alone than ever.

Her plan was still to go on without or without her group. John was still looking out for Karli. Sam still had to conclude that he was up next in Steve's legacy.

2 weeks later

"Come on boys," Sylvie called out.

Tommy and Billy were playing in a swimming pool that Agatha had set up with her powers. Sylvie wore old jeans with a Nirvana t-shirt, her hair in a half-bun. Entering the home Wanda had placed dinner on the table.

Well, breakfast for dinner.

"Go wash up boys," Wanda said tossing them a towel.

"Race ya!" Tommy yelled as he super sped up the stairs.

"Not fair!" Billy yelled running up at a slower pace. Sylvie watched Wanda from a distance as she put the other dishes in the sink and cleaned up a bit.

"Hey, uh can I ask you something?" Sylvie asked.

"Sure," Wanda smiled. Her hair was a bit of a mess and she wore a tank top with a cardigan over it.

Sylvie softly smiled and sat down in a chair, "is it okay if I invite you and the boys to go to the movies? We can go watch Corpse Bride or the nightmare before Christmas."

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